Title: Scared Sightless
Disclaimer: If I owned I probably wouldn’t have so much time on my hands…
Warnings/spoilers: To be safe I’ll say the first three seasons but major spoilers for season 3 specifically 3x15, Time is on My Side.
Word Count: 3,347
Summary: Dean’s timing is everything, one second later and things can go much differently. Time is on my
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Comments 17
Keep it up ;)
A few people over on FF.net have reviewed and asked me to keep Sam blind when Dean goes to hell. I honestly wasn't planning on it lol but now I'm toying with the idea? It of course would end up being a sequel but it's kind of an interesting way to go I think. I know one reviewer in particular sent me a PM asking me to keep him blind because she would love to see how that changes the way Sam lives while Deans in hell. I'm rambling again lol and I'm not sure you care either way but I do have a love for suggestions, they get my creative side rolling lol. I'd love to hear what you think or if you have a preference on what you'd like to read next! Thanks soooo much. Sorry for writing so much lol.
I'm pretty sure Sam is heartbroken at the thought that he lost the magic charm. *sigh* I guess lying, even for a good cause, never turns out well.
Great stuff here, kiddo!
I just need to make up my mind if I want to heal Sam or not lol. I got a few reviews on ff.net asking me to keep Sam blind once Dean goes to hell because they want to see how that changes Sam's time without Dean. I must admit it's tempting haha but I'm just not sure. I guess if you have an opinion I'd LOVE to hear it cause suggestions always help get my mind rolling =).
Thanks again!
Thanks for that though. I'm going to have to give it some thought cause I'm hoping to wrap this story up in a few more chapters. Definitely some more limp and hurt Sam in the next chapter! I'm finding out that I really do kinda of really love hurting that boy or man lol.
Lookind forward to the next chapter!
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