oath CONTACT INFO: o c delicious @ AIM
SERIES: Soul Eater
JOB IN TRIOU: Host of "Top Spot with Death the Kid" interior design show, and plays in a band with Soul on the side.
BACKGROUND AND PERSONALITY: If the word count of this app is not even, it's TERRIBLE AND YOU SHOULD REJECT IT.
...That's what Kid would say if he wrote this app! Anyway, Death the Kid is a lifelong resident of Triou. His mom passed away at an early age blah blah stereotypical anime background goes here. His dad was an Art Museum owner and director, and when he was little, there was a huge exhibit of abstract art, that frankly, scared him like Jurassic Park would scare any normal young kid at that age. He hated going to his dad's work with him, and often would complain that the art made him sick. You would think he'd grow out of such an immature personality trait!
But he didn't. It grew stronger and stronger, hello full-blown and serious OCD. Couple this with his being a prodigy, and Kid's already graduated school and his eye for beautiful, symmetrical design even put him ahead of his adult peers in the interior design world! Celebrities with OCD paid him fucktons of money to design their houses. Soon, Kid was so famous that he had his own TV show, "Top Spot with Death the Kid" (about 30 minutes of the TV show is Kid screaming at the house owners for letting their house get so disgusting, which I guess is most of the entertainment value). So if you're rich, famous, and want a house that looks the same on one side that it does the other, Kid's your go-to guy!
--Also Death the Kid is a stage name but no one knows his real one. His only comment on it was that it was too disjointed of a name for him to ever accept. Death the Kid just sounds cooler, and Kid is his nickname otherwise. When he's not hosting his show with his
lovely assistants, he's hanging out with his friends from school. And somehow got roped into joining a band with them. However, he refused to play anything but a double set of drums because all the other instruments probably get it by now. Anyway, thanks to his perfectionist nature, he's pretty damn good at it, too!
Those poor, poor executives and stagehands. It ain't easy dealing with Kid's every request.
Personality-wise, he's...oh god, where to start. I'm sure I hammered in just how OCD he is in the background enough. He's also very much aware his hair is asymmetrical too! And mentioning that fact to him will make him get so depressed. He's even coughed up blood and fainted at the worst cases of THIS SYMMETRY THIS SYMMETRY THIS SYMMETRY so you can imagine how bad it must be to live with him. His favorite number is eight. HE HAS A FAVORITE NUMBER FOR FUCKS SAKE. He's easily distracted by the ~beauty~ of symmetry or the unforgivable horror of asymmetry, and someone'll usually have to snap him out of it.
But, he does have a calm side, and is usually a pretty serious dude. He is capable of treating people with common courtesy (calls his dad Honorable father for maximum politeness). At his most zen, you could get along with him or have a rousing game of chess, provided you always moved your pieces the direct opposite that he's moving his. He is a really smart guy, and smart enough to utilize common sense when it hits him like a brick. He can overcome his OCD if he really, really needs to at the moment.
He'll probably cry himself to sleep over it later, though. Also, he knows how to shoot! Who knows why, maybe he went crazy when he walked into a Dali exhibit one day.
Who designed this trash?! This is a travesty of modern design! I'm getting sick just looking at it! Whoever designed this building should be struck by lightning and whoever approved it should be struck twice!
I've explored every angle of the interior and exterior, I've done all the proper measurements, but there's no sense of balance or symmetry in this building at all! I tried to give it the benefit of the doubt, I really did, but you know what I found when I went inside? All of the clerical desks were on one side of the room, and do you know what was on the other side?
If I'm going to be hired as a musician here, there's going to be changes, and I will be happy to draft up the necessary changes needed to make this an acceptable workplace. If they aren't implemented immediately, my band and I will be taking our business to Black Out. At least their head offices are a nice, even rectangle.
Here, see? I made a simple fix in no time flat.
Call me when you've completed the construction. I'd be happy to help so that no more unfortunate messes like this happen again.
ANYTHING ELSE? Am willing to edit the background to fit Seve's Soul Eater app once he gets it in!