
Jun 20, 2005 14:30

Well today was interesting! I talked to the boy I once 'Loved' on the phone! I know I'm over him, but I want to be friends! Even though the things he does are stupid and how I know being his friend isn't good for me! How do I know what to do! Meeting him was a big part of my life! How do I change that?!?!

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Comments 3

Hey Hey Hey leslieannex3 June 21 2005, 16:28:59 UTC
Hey! whats up! im really bored but yeah ill ttyl lyl buh~bye



response anonymous July 1 2005, 20:14:26 UTC
First, i think that you should ask yourself; why is he such bad news? and would he be different if i was with him? I think that if you feel that comfortable with someone, you should tell them how you feel,all that you feel even about him being bad news. If he likes you enough, he'll change.


anonymous July 14 2005, 19:49:42 UTC
haha i think you guys look pretty cute together! woah woah! lol i don't know what to put but incase it doesn't show who this is from... its From Janell!


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