Overall notes: This schedule works under the assumption the viruses occur every three weeks or so. Because of DDD-based plots we're going to want to do and things like that it's completely superfluous. If any other member of the cast wants a date changed to accommodate something, message me, let me know, and I'll change it up for you.
DDD's Event CalendarPlaylist for full series in English8/10/08 - Pre-series; Vash explores an abandoned and powerless SEEDship outside the (non-existant) March Village, gets a computer to work by kicking it in frustration, winds up carrying it around with him after discovering DDD.
8/15/08-8/18/08 - Animal Virus (Kuroneko-sama)
8/23/08 - Episode 1:
The $$60 Billion Man8/30/08 - Episode 2:
Truth of Mistake9/05/08-9/08/08 - Mental Regression Virus
9/13/08 - Episode 3:
Peace Maker9/19/08 - Episode 4:
Love & Peace9/26/08-9/29/08 - Gender Swap Virus
10/02/08-10/07/08 - Episode 5:
Hard Puncher, Episode 6:
Lost July10/10/08-10/12/08 - Episode 7:
Brilliant Dynamite Neon, Episode 8:
And Between the Wasteland and Sky…10/13/08-10/14/08 - Episode 9:
Murder Machine10/17/08-10/20/08 - Virus
10/24/08-10/25/08 - Episode 10:
Quick Draw10/31/08 - Halloween Virus
11/2/08-11/4/08 - Episode 11:
Escape From Pain11/7/08-11/10/08 - Virus
11/15/08-11/17/08 - Episode 12:
Diablo, Episode 13:
Vash the Stampede11/21/08-11/25/08 - Episode 14:
Little Arcadia11/28/08-12/1/08 - Virus
1/09/08-1/20/08 - Episode 15:
Demon's Eye, Episode 16:
Fifth Moon End notes: I'm ending the current timeline at Fifth Moon for two reasons. First is because it can give the cast a breather from sticking "strictly" to canon. Second is because we know a considerable amount of time passed between Augusta and when Wolfwood found "Eriks." In the manga it's two years, but I figure we can cut it down to to or three months if it's cool with you guys.