Title: Sunlit World Grown Dark
Fandom/Rating: Sherlock Holmes (ACD canon), rated G
Word Count: 100 words
Watson drifts.
Author's Note: Written for
watsons_woes JWP#20. Title adapted from a line in the Barnum song "The Colors of My Life."
I find myself unmoored after Mary's death. I maintain my practice, see to my patients, and spend the occasional night at the club, but I am merely biding my time until the day I leave this place to join both Holmes and my dear wife in the hereafter.
Without either here to light my way, the world is a bleak, muted one. I am directionless, like a compass spinning idly instead of pointing north. I drift through life, drawing my loneliness around me like a cloak, with only it and the increasingly frequent brandy to keep my demons at bay.