(no subject)

Jul 23, 2004 22:00

Your full name:: Ryan Kaelin Dubowsky
Age:: 15
Height:: 5'4" ... yeah thats right.. i broke 5 foot
Natural hair color::brown
Eye color:: Hazely greeny brown 
Number of siblings:: younger sister, older brother
Glasses/contacts?:: Glasses.... conacts soon
Piercing:: zero piercage


Color:: Yellowy yellow
Band:: Uh.... Led Zeppelin i guess
Song:: I have no idea.... ill go with Achilles last stand, since im obsessed with it right now
Stuffed animal:: uhhh.... N/A
Video game:: Final Fantasy 4... from when i was like 8
TV show::Best Week Ever
Movie:: Matrix 3... b/c it has big boom things
Book:: I dont know how to read
Food:: Pizza.... i guess
Flower:: I dont know any names
Scent:: uhh.... clean??
Animal:: Penguins!
Comic book:: no... idea...
Cereal:: Cookie Crisp
Website:: starcitygames i guess
Cartoon:: Spongebob all the way!


Play an instrument?:: Bass
Watch TV more than 60 hours a week?:: Psh ha!
Like to sing?::poorly along with songs when no ones home, yes
Have a job?:: Zero jobage
Like to play sports?:: Lacrossssseeee
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?:: I'll go with no
Have a crush on someone?:: I'll go with yes
Live somewhere NOT in the Canada?:: Sure
Have more than 5 TVs in your house?:: I also cannot count
Have any special talents/skills?:: X-treme slacking
Exercise daily?:: Psh, effort
Like school?::B/D days are the shit


Sing the alphabet backwards?:: nopers
Stand on your tip toes without wearing shoes?:: yeah!
Speak any other languages?:: I can attempt to speak spanish
Go a day without food?: If i felt like it, yes
Stay up for more than 24 hours?:: have on multiple occassions
Roll your tongue?:: I've recently trained mtself


Cried to get out of trouble?:: Nah
Seen a shooting star?:: Double Nah
Been to any other countries?:: Go Canadia!
Solved a rubiks cube?:: Those things make my head hurt
Gone out in public in your pajamas?:: Yeah
Laughed and had milk come out of your nose?:: I was really tired....
Pushed all the buttons on an elevator?:: What else to people do in Canadia
Been in love?:: Depends on your definiton
Been close to love?:: Yeah, sure, i guess, maybe, i dunno, no
Been to a casino?:: No.....
Drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour?:: Impossible
Made homemade muffins?:: Apple cinnaminaminamin muffins
Been to Disneyland/ DisneyWorld?:: DisneyWorld.....mwa ha
More than 5 times?:: Nah
Been to Niagara falls?::Yah


Brushed your teeth:: When i woke up.... this afternoon
Saw a movie in theaters:: Yesterday
Read a book:: I dunno.
Had a snow day::Feb??
Had a party:: My house can barely fit my family.
Had a slumber party:: uhhh.... i dunno
Tripped in front of someone:: who keeps track of these things
Went to the grocery store:: 3 days ago??


Fruit/vegetables:: Fruits
Black/white:: Black
Lights on/lights off:: On
TV/movie:: TV
Car/truck:: Car
Body spray/lotion:: psh
Cash/check:: Cash
Pillows/blankets:: Blankets
Paint/charcoal:: Paint, both, charcoal, neither
Chinese food/Mexican food:: Mexican, go taco bell
Summer/winter:: Summer
Snow/rain:: Rain
Fog/misty:: Misty
Rock/rap:: Rock, easily
Meat/vegetarian:: Meat
Chocolate/vanilla:: Chocolate
Sprinkles/icing::R A I N B O W
French toast/French fries:: Curly Fries
Strawberries/blueberries:: Strawberrie
Ocean/swimming pool:: Ocean, since i cant remember being to one
Cookies/muffins:: Muffs
Wallet/pocket:: Wallet
Window/door:: Don't care
Pink/purple:: Purp
Cat/dog:: Dog
Long sleeve/short sleeve:: Short
Pants/shorts:: Shorts
Winter break/spring break:: Spring
Spring/autumn:: Autumn
Clouds/clear sky:: Clear sky
Moon/mars:: Moon


am:: bored
want:: a bagillion dollars
need:: more friends
crave:: Insane bass skills
did:: absolutely nothing
feel:: bored
miss:: my brother??.
am tired of:: most people


What is your favorite genre of music?:: Classic Rock
What time is it now?:: Ten Nineteen Post Meridian
What day is it?:: Friday
When’s the last time you called someone?:: No idea
Are you hungry?:: Nah
Whatcha doin?:: Mass Music
Do you like parades?:: Sure
Do you like the moon?:: Full moons are mad cool
What are you going to do when youre done with this?:: Music, or nothing
If you could have any magical power what would it be?:: Telepathy
Have you ever had a picnic?::Probably
Are you wearing any socks right now?:: Nah

funny?:: deff
Pretty?::psh no
sarcastic?:: often.
lazy?:: i prefer slacker
hyper?:: not at all
friendly:: i guess
smart?:: yeah
strong?:: schmeg
talented?:: at somestuff
dorky?:: double deff


Sky dive?:: yep
Run away?:: nope.
Not take a shower for a week?:: summer campness.
Ask someone out?:: yeah.
Visit a foreign country for more than a month?:: yeash.
Go scuba diving?:: yeah
Write a Books:: nopers 
Become a Rockstar?:: Most Deff


What shampoo do you use?Pert Plus all the way
What kind of computer do you have?:: Dude you're getting a dell
What grade are you in?:: Soph in like a month and a half.
Do you like to throw popcorn at people in the movies?:: nah
How many posters do you have in your room?:: 10?
How many cds do you have?:: like 10, i download
What time is it now?: Ten Twenty Four Post Meridian
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