Title: Life as a Surgeon
mesawooPairing: Alex/Izzie
Rating: PG
Words: 943
Disclaimer: I don't own any of Grey's Anatomy's characters and etc.
Author's Note: No beta so all spelling and grammar mistakes are mine.
Summary: Alex talks to Izzie after a bad phone call.
Izzie Stevens didn't bother to pull her jacket tighter around her body when the wind picked up. She didn't care about the strands of blonde hair whipping across her face which was overcast with a spiritless expression and stinging her in the process. She didn't even care that her pager had just gone off a few minutes ago. She had been sitting like this for 15 minutes now on the curb of the hospital's sidewalk, alone. Her boyfriend was supposed to be flying in tomorrow to spend the weekend with her. It wasn't possible now though.
"Hey, baby, ready for this weekend?" a husky voice asked through the phone.
"Actually, I need to talk to you about that," said Izzie as she stood outside Seattle Grace Hospital - the hospital in which she had been interning at for 5 months. She was taking a break outside when her cell phone rang and cringing when she saw the name of her boyfriend, Hank, light up on the small screen.
"Did something come up?"
"Yeah," she said hesitantly before continuing. "They changed my schedule. It was really last minute and I can't get out of it so I'll be at the hospital all night Friday and Saturday."
"You promised no work this weekend," said Hank. She could hear his tone gain a slight edge to it as he got angry.
"I know I did and I'm sorry. There's nothing I can do about it. You know if I could, I'd take off in a heartbeat but I can't. This is my job, Hank."
"Izzie, you promised this weekend would be about us. I'm sick and tired of trying to be with you like this. I'm the only one who's trying to make this relationship work!"
"That's bullshit and-" Izzie started but he cut her off. She knew he'd be mad and she knew he'd be disappointed but she never expected what was about to happen.
"Don't even start because, you know what, that's it. I can see where you stand now. Obviously your job is more important than me and I'm sick of coming in second. It's over, Izzie." And with that, he hung up. Stung and practically numb, Izzie flipped her cellular phone closed with a shaky hand.
Her cell phone still sat clasped in her hand but the shaking had stopped a good 10 minutes ago. The confusion had long past faded away leading to feelings of despair and guilt. She had absolutely no reason why she should feel guilty. After all, it wasn't her fault the hospital changed her hours - not her fault at all. And she knew a long distance relationship wouldn't work after she started her internship at the hospital but she didn't think things would end like this. She'd always imagined that if they broke up, it would be mutual and a relief but this wasn't. This was devastating and made her heart feel like it was shattering into pieces.
Lost in her own little world, Izzie didn't hear someone approaching her from behind. "Going to sit out here all day?" asked the person she least wanted to talk to at the moment. Or ever, if she had a minute to think about it.
"Leave me alone, Alex," she said icily. "I don't need your crap right now."
"Well, I wasn't going to offer you any crap if that's what you thought my intentions were. Actually, most of my intentions are pretty NC-17 but that's not the point."
"What do you want?" she said, rolling her eyes.
"I want a lot of things, actually," said Alex sitting next to her now. "But that's not why I'm out here. You know, you haven't moved in the last 10 minutes."
"Stop talking or I might start thinking you actually have a soul," she said with a bored tone of voice. "So you saw me sitting on the ground and came to check on me?"
"Yes, and you'd think that if someone came to check on you, you'd at least be polite to them," he said, raising an eyebrow.
"Because you were ever polite to me when? Can you tell me that?" she asked with an unkind laugh.
"Fine, if you're gonna be all pissy about it," he said, growing irritated, and started to get up off the ground.
Izzie sighed and said with a defeated attitude, "He broke up with me."
"What was that?" said Alex before lowering himself back down on the concreate sidewalk.
"Hank, my boyfriend. He just broke up with me," she said waving her phone in the air. He seemed to catch her drift pretty quickly.
"You know, breaking up with someone over the phone is shit cowards do."
"You think?" she asked sarcastically.
"Hey, I'm trying to be consoling and nice here."
"I know and I'm sorry, I guess. It's probably best we broke up anyway. There was just never any time."
"Well, life of a surgeon," he said, shrugging. His pager started beeping, and she let out a small sigh she didn't know she had been holding.
"You got that right," she said as he quickly pushed herself up. "Thanks, Alex, for you know-"
"No problem," he said, already walking back into the building. Izzie stayed outside for another 5 minutes before heading back in. George ran to catch up with her as she made her way to the snack machine.
"Did I just see you and Alex having a conversation out there?" he asked disbelieving.
"Yeah, imagine that," she said before her pager went off. "See ya later!"