Image inspired by DTB season 2 ep 04. XD
When I watched Hei teaching Suou, I was thinking ... Hei must have learned that method of training abdominal muscles from somewhere - why not his own experience? XD
Randomly, some thoughts after catching up on recent eps of DTB season 2 (SPOILERS TILL EP 09 BEWARE)
Li is baaack~ Well, at least, Hei regained his BOTTOMLESS PIT APPETITE in ep 8 and in ep 9, HE SHAAAVED~ I don't dislike the scruffy look per se. (I still adore Phoenix GS4 or before.) I just like clean-shaven Hei much more! ^^ The scruffy look doesn't look as nice on Hei, imo.
What's with 4697635 anyway? Is there a special meaning to it? Noticed that in 2x09 Misaki inputed the same string of numbers as the code that appeared everywhere in 1x26.
I was so distressed that Hei lost his powers - and thought things like true, it is wise to run when one knows one is no match for one's opponent - that I almost forgot that Hei used to fight alongside contractors without a shred of a contractor's power himself. Hei isn't merely able to "hold his own ground" during a fight, he still makes a formidable opponent, even against contractors. Hei~~
Plot is still rather intriguing. Good. (I did start watching season 2 feeling disappointed about the differences in style from season 1 and introduction of a new main character. I'm taking to Suou more than I took to Apollo when I played GS4, that's for sure.) I'm still looking forward to the next ep!