With or without?

Apr 13, 2011 20:03

Because I'm blind to these kind of things, which looks better? Feel free to judge each group separately, because I'm thinking the first one looks better without, but the second looks better with. But... I'm indecisive. D: That blue lighting in the corner is a separate layer, not part of the texture.

Screencaaaaps~ )

pairing: green x red, suggest me things, dmg, fandom: pokemon, video editing is hard

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Comments 11

kiuolo April 14 2011, 01:51:57 UTC
Is that Green and Red I see?! *0*

YES! *fist pump*

As for your question... Eh... I don't know. I've never really edited AMVs/DMVs before. So, I can't exactly give you a professional opinion or anything, but... I think I pretty much agree with what you said! I think the first one looks better more black and white-ish, and I like the light in the second one. As for the last one, that's kind of tricky... I noticed a few differences, like the text and Green's hand, but other than that... Hm... I guess I kind of like how it seems a little more bright in the "with" picture. But, seriously, don't weigh my opinion too heavily. xD I'm the farthest thing from a professional.

Now, I shall proceed to shamelessly gawk at these screencaps and impatiently wait to see this obviously awesome video. *3* Oh, GreenxRed, how I love you...!


doodlelover April 14 2011, 03:24:20 UTC
Indeed it is. *Q* I love editing with them so freaking much. asdflggk I need more Green/Red in my life. ;A;

Professional opinion doesn't matter: most of the people I edit for have never edited videos at all! XD So any opinion is good when you're working with visuals~ Thanks for your opinions! Let's me feel a little more confident about my decisions. @__@ I was seriously fretting over it. asdlfgfgh

It's a collab, and my parts are basically almost done, so I'm hoping I can have it up in a week or two. :D


questofdreams April 14 2011, 02:50:59 UTC
I'm going to be useless and say I LIKE THEM ALL 8D


doodlelover April 14 2011, 03:26:04 UTC
ADSFKLSFHJG -shakes fist- Now that I look at them, I like them all, too. ;_;


razzlie April 14 2011, 04:52:06 UTC
With for all :)

but that's cause I'm biased and love multi-colored stuff...


doodlelover April 14 2011, 05:09:16 UTC
You and bright colors go together like Oreos and milk. *Q* I'm fond of that texture for most of the parts. \o/


xploded_tb April 14 2011, 10:48:42 UTC

That is all. <3 If it's helpful.


doodlelover April 18 2011, 23:54:06 UTC
Eeeee, thank you. <3 So I'm not the only one that thinks that middle one looks better without.


xploded_tb April 19 2011, 03:23:18 UTC
Mmmmnnn, maybe because it's too bright so it kind of...covers over the word "Survive". And maybe the other two are already considered relatively bright, so one with a different variation is good. <3333



ahin0910 April 14 2011, 12:49:21 UTC
Exactly the same questions I ask myself while editing anything that has a texture orz

1. I'd say without :)
2. With; I like the shining :D
3. With; otherwise it looks a bit too green-ish (for me :P) and hnnng Red's face <3

I CANNOT WAIT TO SEE MORE GREENXRED <33 I love them so much but there's just not enough of them in this world /sob


doodlelover April 18 2011, 23:56:30 UTC
I'm glad I'm not the only one that frets over this stuff. asl;dgf IT'S THE LITTLE DETAILS THAT COUNT. ;A;

Thank you for the input! :'D At this point it looks like everyone pretty much likes that combination. x3 And indeed, HNNNNNG. Redoooo. <3

I KNOW, RIGHT? DDDX They're pretty popular in Japan, but here it's a different story. ;w;


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