A Night to Remember: Part 6

Oct 13, 2004 15:49

“Left! Left! For christ’s sake, your other left!” Angel bellowed as he pushed the golf cart down the freeway with Spike behind the wheel.

Traffic built up behind them and piled past with screaming horns and rude gestures. No way could they abandon the damn thing, however tempting it may be, it’d cause a fifty car smash.

At last, a break appeared in the constant stream, and by dint of sheer strength alone, Angel forced the golf cart across four lanes and on to the verge. He slumped to a halt, panting hard and leaning on the vehicle with shaking arms.

“You stopped,” Spike whined from the driver’s seat and suddenly found himself yanked up by the lapels of his duster. “Yurk,” he added, nose to nose with Angel.

“Yes, I fucking stopped. That’s because I’ve been pushing this thing for ten miles while you sat in the front and bounced up and down!”

“Having a wank, actually,” Spike said. He never did know when to keep his gob shut; it really was gonna get him into trouble one of these days. Though this kind of trouble he could live with. Upside down over Angel’s lap with the arse torn out of his overalls and his sire’s hand rising and falling in time with the trucks rushing by.

“Ow! Ow! Stop, you bastard,” he protested, just for appearances sake. Cos if this was gonna be a favoured punishment, Spike didn’t want Angel getting the impression he was enjoying it. Mind you, the hard on digging into Angel’s thigh was a dead give away, so Spike reckoned he ought to speed things up a tad before Angel cottoned on.

He squirmed and kicked his legs, and oh-so-unfortunately managed to get a hand beneath him. That was better. A good few tugs and he’d be home free.

Angel’s spanking hand paused. “Are you jerking off?” he asked suspiciously.

“Me? No?” Spike squeaked, the very picture of innocence if Angel had only bothered to look. But then if Angel had bothered to look he would have seen the pout and then it would all be over.

“Are you sure?”

“Yup. See, here’s me hand.”

“Where’s the other one?”

“Right here.”


“Spike, that’s the same hand! You’re just poking it out the other side.”

“No, honest it’s - ouch! Ow, ow, Ouch! Stop! Don’t twist it! You’re gonna pull it off you great berk.”

“Oh, stop whining it’s only your ear. And while you’re down there, you can get busy.”

“But Angel, we’re not mphflurgle…”

Angel closed his eyes and relaxed. There was nothing like a decent blow job to get rid of excess stress.


“I am not walking any further.” Spike plonked down on the ground, folded his arms and glared up at Angel.

“What are you? Three?” Angel asked, and then rushed to Spike’s side when he saw that adorable pout that simply had to be kissed away. He valued that mouth, it was capable of remarkable things.

When they came up for fags, Spike added, “My feet are sore, sire. The water in my boots is making them rub.”

Guilt jumped up and down on Angel’s head making his brow crinkle. “I’m sorry, baby. Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I was trying to,” Spike whimpered, knowing a good tack when he’d found one. “But-but you wouldn’t listen and you just kept walking.”

The whimper called for more reassurance in the form of hot kisses with tongues and when they broke apart again, Spike reckoned the time was right to ask, “You gonna nick a car then?”

“What?” Angel’s expression turned from lust struck to confused to angry within three seconds. Spike was impressed. That only left ‘post orgasmic smitten grin’ and he’d managed all four facial expressions in one evening.

“A car, you twerp. If we’re not walking we’ve gotta have some way of getting back.”

Silence and, damn, expression five. Constipated thought. Rare and worrying.

“We’ll hitch hike,” Angel said finally with a decisive nod of the head.

Spike collapsed in peals of laughter.


“Can’t see anyone picking us up looking like this,” Spike managed between howls, pointing at his and Angel’s less than polished attire.

“No problem,” Angel replied. “I’ve got a plan.”

The smirk was enough to see Spike trying to bolt. He knew that smirk. It was Angelus through and through, and tended to result in discomfort or humiliation for yours truly. Angel’s hand round his braces stopped him full flight, like a cartoon character over a gorge, and, sure enough, here came the humiliation.


“It’ll never work.”

“Stop whining and stick your thumb out.”

Whoosh. Whoosh. Whoosh.

“They’re not stopping, Angel, and I look like a prat.”

“If you don’t shut up, I’ll make sure you look like a prat with no hands!”


Whoosh. Whoosh. Whooo… Screech!


“What are you waiting for? Go and grab the lift.”

“Angel? It’s a bus full of girl scouts.”


“I’m only wearing a flag!”

“I know.” Angel licked his lips.

“It’s the flag of the colonies! What would Papa think if he could see me now?”

Angel loved it when that accent reverted back to little prissy gentleman. It made his cock want to stand up and pledge allegiance to the Star Spangled Banner but he managed to control himself.

“Spike, you’re a vampire, naked except for a small piece of cotton, standing at the edge of a freeway about to hijack a truck from a group of innocent little girls and their middle aged leader. What do you think he’d think?”

“He’d probably like the girl scouts, he was a randy old bastard,” said Spike thoughtfully

“Spike. They’re gonna go. Run. Go get that minibus. Do it for blowjobs and cigarettes. Do it for Daddy.”

“Oh fucking hell, Angel.” The flag was now trying to raise itself up a nice solid pole. Spike pouted and whimpered, ‘daddy’ was a banned word only allowed to be used in moments of extreme privacy.

“Spike, please. I promise I’ll play Starsky and Hutch with you and I’ll wear the cardigan and the wig.”

Spike perked up and his cock perked up even more. Clutching at his flag, he legged it to the open door of the minibus and leaned in.

“Well hello young man, my name’s Emily Harris. You appear to be in a bit of a tight spot?” The ruddy cheeked lady winked at him in a very unladylike way “Or will be if I have anything to do with it.”

Bloody hell! Spike a feeling he was in more trouble than when he and Xander had been caught shagging in Buffy’s shower. Mind you that had turned out to be right good fun. Giles had really known how to use his loofah. But this was never going to have a happy ending; the whole of the Council of Watchers wasn’t half as terrifying as this pack of ravenous salivating teenaged girl guides. Huh?

“Why is there a troop of English Girl Guides in California?” he asked in confusion.

“We’re promoting our movement,” giggled one of the girls reaching ‘round and caressing Spike’s bottom, “And we’re not just any old guides, we’re senior guides and that makes us legal.”

She tugged at Spike’s flag and his pole began to droop from fear.

“Run,” he squealed and pegged it up the road clinging on to what was left of his stars and stripes and his dignity.

“Requisition the little minx, girls,” yelled Emily racing after Spike with her troop of marauders.

Spike dared to look over his shoulder just the once. Oh fuck, they were getting closer.

Puff, pant, puff, pant, puff, pant, “Where”

Puff, pant, puff, pant, puff, pant, “Fat bastard?”

Why the hell did they bother sending Slayers out to slaughter vampires when they had these little monsters in reserve? He tried to slip into preternatural gear but they just kept getting closer.


Angel watched open mouthed for a while. It all seemed to be going really well until Spike began screaming like a baby and took off down the road as fast as his naked little legs would carry him. For one god-awful moment Angel had thought Spike was going to lead the demons straight to him but no, his boy was as clever and resourceful as always.

Sneaking up to the bus, Angel heaved in a sigh of relief. The keys were in the ignition. He started the engine and drove off to the rescue.

Going into vamp face seemed a good idea at the time but it only seemed to excite the girls more and by the time he’d rescued Spike from under the pile of knickers and bare wiggly thighs they were both scratched and shivery.

“It was horrible and I couldn’t find you,” sobbed Spike “You left me all alone. I ran and ran and ran and ran and there was no you.”

“That’s coz you ran the wrong way, doofus,” said Angel trying to look unsympathetic but it was impossible. Spike might well have been a doofus but he was his doofus and he was so cute all shaken up and terrified Angel just wanted to kiss him better.

“Oh god, oh god, oh god. Oh GOD. You can’t do that when you’re driving, Angel.”

“Well you drive then,” Angel said, heaving Spike onto his lap.

Spike squatted on the driver’s seat, hanging on to the wheel for dear life as Angel tried to shift over to the passenger side. At least the was the idea. Somewhere along the line, something went horribly wrong. Or horribly right. Depending on how you viewed these things.

Angel slipped down the seat and suddenly found himself nose to… um… whatever, with Spike’s ass. And that wasn’t an opportunity he was going to give up in a hurry. He grabbed both ass cheeks with his hands and pulled them apart, ignoring Spike’s yelps of protest and the sudden swerve to the right. There was a crash followed by a grinding noise but the minibus kept going and then Angel’s tongue was buried firmly inside that tight hole, thrusting and rolling, and he was sucking and kissing and stroking.

As the fence buckled and smashed down in front of them, Spike closed his eyes. He’d tried yelling at Angel to stop - meaning the van not his tongue - but that hadn’t worked. Now he didn’t want to know where they were; he was too horny and if they crashed into to something he didn’t care. At least he would dust happy.

Angel’s mouth kept working him, making his hole twitch and pulse. His dick was droolingly hard and pulsing along in time. But worst of all, his legs were giving out. Slowly but surely, Spike sagged lower and lower in the seat. Angel stayed with him, shifting down to stay in contact. The engine revved higher as the gas peddle got pushed harder and the vibrations made Spike even hornier. All in all it was an orgasm waiting to happen.

Spike screamed as his jizz hit the windshield, and then screamed again as he opened his eyes and saw what was catching up behind them. It was a Jurassic Park moment. 747’s shouldn’t be that big. Surely!

He screamed once more and yanked the wheel to one side, the tyres screeching on the tarmac and thumping over the runway lights. But still it kept coming. Looming larger and larger in the rear-view mirror. They were never going to make it!

Beneath him, Angel was still jerking off, oblivious to their imminent fiery demise. And Spike finally gave up. With an athletic leap, he twisted round in the seat and landed on Angel’s cock. If he was going to die, he was going to die shagging the vampire he lov-liked shagging. The minibus careered onwards, following the tracks of the landing lights and Spike watched with widening eyes as the plane got closer and closer and closer.
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