Yeah, it's Friday, it's the start of a weekend. But besides that, there's lots of stuff that's made me happy today. And here it is, in mostly-picspam format.
1. This is very silly, but whatevs: The classic rock station in my parents' town had a tradition of playing this ginormous montage of sound clips and song snippets on Friday evenings to usher in the weekend. I just found out today that the local classic rock station plays it too, and reveled in nostalgic fuzzies.
2. I got home and this was waiting on me:
And closer:
That's actually my VERY FIRST purchase from AG Proper. Everything else I own is either a gift, handmade, offbrand, or from eBay.
So what's inside?
The "Singing Star" outfit, which (thanks to its fug shirt) I would never have considered, had it not been only $10.
The pants and boots make it worth $10.
And the shirt is salvagable, with help from a seam ripper:
Lucy models the finished product.
3. (Yes, there's more.) I passed by the Pie's open door and found this:
I dare you not to AWW.
4. I've started painting again!
Just silly stuff, in acrylics on some illustration board left over from uni.
The not-so-great side effect is the state of my workspace:
MESS. Or creative chaos, however you want to think of it.
5. No picture this time, just an email. From a prospective job, notifying me of an "editing test" on its way to me. One one hand, super freaked out because I'm not sure what the test will consist of. On the other hand, SUPER STOKED because this is the first real response I've gotten from flinging out my resume, it's for a job which is #2 on my Dream Jobs List, and it pays...well, lt's just say things would be far less strained around Casa Nachos if I got this job.
So, yeah. It's been a happy evening, and I'm hoping the happy lasts into the weekend, 90-degree heat be damned.