I seriously need to post more.

Apr 09, 2011 00:22

Is it bad that of all the things in the Doctor Who trailer, I am most looking forward to this?:

Seriously, take one reasonably attractive man, add long hair and a scruffy beard, and I'm all like "WHY HELLO THERE."

I think something may be wrong with me.

(I'm also looking forward to asskicking River. I like River, and kinda don't want to find out more about her because I'm afraid the reveal will be rage-inducing, or worse, underwhelming.)

In other news, The Pie has been in a tizzy - apparently her toddler class at daycare was becoming very overcrowded, and as she is one of the kids closest to being fully potty-trained, she got an early transfer to the Preschool class. Everything is now New and Scary, so cue the freaking out.

(She is soooo close to being fully potty-trained. She still gets distracted and has accidents, so there is a perpetual basin of Oxi-Clean and undies in our bathroom. JOY.)

We are now three weeks away from moving...and have not done a single blessed thing to prepare. At this point, I'm so overwhelmed when contemplating the wreckage that I end up avoiding the whole thing. Not exactly productive. Hopefully, this weekend I can make a dent in all the stuff.

Also, since I haven't posted these yet...one of my birthday presents from Joe was the art book from "How To Train Your Dragon", and I couldn't resist some doodles:

For some reason, only my red ballpoint stuff turned out decent. Also, much headdesking ensued when, after bitching about how all the pictures of Toothless in the book were colored solid black and I couldn't see the anatomical structure, I remembered that Pie has the freakin' action figure sitting on her bookcase. Yeah.

And now, I am off to bed, in hopes that people will answer my Craigslist ads, so I can has extra money. You know what's expensive? New tires.
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