Title: Knightian Uncertainty
Fandom: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Rating/Warnings: T+~M
Characters/Pairings: Yamamoto, Gokudera, other khr cast (8059)
Word Count: 5,528
Disclaimer: Katekyo Hitman Reborn! and all affiliated characters and settings are the creative property of Akira Amano, Shueisha, Weekly Shounen Jump, and any other companies holding the title to its license and distribution (VIZ Media, etc.). Used without permission for non-profitable entertainment purposes.
Notes: This is my contribution to
Our 8059 Anthology volume 3, which had a "wedding" theme! \o/ You should definitely go check out the anthology; all the other fics are super-awesome, and the art/comics are fantastic as well! *w*b And please, do leave a comment if you download;
hanashiki put a lot of work into making the anthology happen!! ♥
So basically this fic was originally going to be dark & really rather... bleak. My initial idea was a lot crueler and did a much darker exploration of relationships, but I was hoping to at least come up with some kind of happy ending (or a resolved ending where I wouldn't turn this into a plot!monster--I sure as hell don't need to be writing any more of those!! haha). Unfortunately, the more I plotted out my original idea, a happy/resolved ending became more unlikely. I ended up sticking with the first chunk of the fic I'd written & then replotted the whole thing with a fluffier premise (and a happier ending, ahaha;;;) because 1) I'm already writing angst-heavy KHR stuff, bleargh, and 2) I RAN OUT OF TIME GO FIGURE HAHA;;; I might do this story's darker alternate at some point (with several altered plot points of course), but for now, have a fluffball.
TL;DR: I know this story is a cliche/unoriginal idea, but I hope you enjoy it! ;w;b AND LOOKIE HAHA a fic that isn't AtU! And isn't attached to music! WHAT IS THIS MADNESS--
You're helping your lover get ready for his wedding-his, not yours. * link leads to this fic's new permanent home at AO3