Jan 30, 2005 22:37

name: Amanda


Location: the roc, new york. haha

Gender: female

Sexuality: straight

Favorite Foods: mexican, italian, salads with alot of stuff on them, bagel bites, cereal

List 10 Favorite Bands:
1. Every Time I Die
2. Psyopus
3. Evergreen Terrace
4. Fear Before the March of Flames
5. Norma Jean
6. Atreyu
7. The Bled
8. Guns n' Roses
9. Tool
If you could pick one song to play forever what song would you pick? tool: sober

List 5 or more Favorite Movies:
1. Fight Club
2. Pulp Fiction
3. Both Kill Bills
4. Donnie Darko
5. 25th Hour
6. American History X
7. Heathers
8. Ferris Buellers Day Off
9. Resivour Dogs

Make the mods laugh: my boyfriend was skating in a basement today, and theres these 3 poles sticking out, and the first time he jumped to land a trick and hit the poles and fell. what was funny about it is, he fell so comically, like in movies. his head bounced off and he just fell perfectly backwards and his legs gave out and his butt landed on the skateboard and he just ended up flat on his butt. after we all laughed, he went to do another trick and did the same exact thing

If you could live in a different time era, which one and why? i wish i was a teenager in the early 80's. because, im obbsesses with i love the 80's, and it looked so awesome with big ass hair and bright neon spendex. haha

Favorite Animals: panda(amanda the panda) and monkies

Any hobbies or talents? im an art major, graphic design, painting, and i also am trying to take out web design and photography

Post a picture of anything and explain why you chose it:

its my boyfriend(on the left) and James. we were playing around with my camara. taking wierd pictures, and james found a old frame, and thought it would look artistic. i love this picture, the facial expression on my boyfriend is priceless. lol

Any thoughts on Maynard James Keenan? i like in him better when he was the front man of Tool. But when i found out his side project, Perfect Circle...i was disappointed. But i ended up loving them anyway. their also amazing becasue they've done songs with orgy, NIN, and tori amos. so all and all, Maynard is amazing

Are you a member of taintedxbeauty? nope

Stereotype yourself: aprehensive, laidback, all out white girl. haha

Favorite Poem:
Helpless With No Hope

I will fall

I will fly

I will cry and scream

and see him when sleep

but I hope i cant let him go this time

he does not love me

I dont love him

I am angry

he makes me that way

the way he talks

the hurtful words he mutters

under his breath

I hear them

so I do not talk to him

he is the kind of callow creature i despise

my daddy is a worthless human

he is not a man

only a human

with no soul

just a quiet corpse

my daddy shall be that to me

forever in the life that haunts me

Favorite artist/painting: Most definitly, when I was shown andy warhol in the 3rd grade, i instantly loved his work. and im a big fan of marilyn monroe. so naturally, his painting Marilyn
Favorite Book or Author: Fight Club

Favorite Quote:
Sucker love is heaven sent.
You pucker up, our passion's spent.
My hearts a tart, your body's rent.
My body's broken, yours is bent

Post five or more pictures of yourself:

im the one with the septum ring. lol

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