This morning when i (thought) woke up... I could swear I was still asleep...and it turned out i was... So when i actually did wake up not long after i found it very very odd. Conclusion: No more drugs for Chris for a while now...
Hey ladies and gents... Im doing a report on web journals and why people have them and read them etc etc etc.. AAAAaaaaaand i was hoping you could maaybe give me some insight into why you post and so on... But if you dont want to, well... I`ll get over it. thanks!
drunken?highest postings are the BEST if oostings, here you go Kevin an update. WOW Emma chap is loverly my dobves wounldt fly without her awesome stuff of love and sanwiches! I think ill have some milo
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Marshall McLuhan and his cock sucking medium theory can fuck off and die... STUPID INTERNET AND ITS VARIOUS hilarious distractions *looks disapprovingly at Emma Chap Chap Chappppppy*