LJ Interests meme results
- biking:
I used to bike alot. On my little yellow death trap. i like it, but dont do it as much as i used to. also the handebars cracked. oh well. maybe take it up again soon. - comfort:
Who doesnt like to be comfortable? Bit self explanitory really. - fire:
I used to set fire to stuff... sometimes. Imature... yes. - hash:
anyone who knows me will know why this is an interest, no more explanation needed. - joss:
See above - oranges:
oranges are good. - punk:
i liike it... end of. - shameless:
Awesome awesome TV show. i loved it.
And i am shameless to a certain degree so i guess thats relevant too. - strawberries:
So fine. Lotsa sugar and cream and im happy - the offspring:
Favorite band of all time.
Enter your LJ user name, and 10 interests will be selected from your interest list.
I was on time for college today (10 mins early in fact). so thats a good start. but im starving, poor and have no idea what im doing. Just did a search for ellon on google (tutors idea) and found "Scotish Swingers" so apprently there are swingers in ellon - im starngled intregiued by this fact and may go find out who they are... but im its teachers or friends parents or anything ill freak out.
Oh so fuckingn hungry. Think im going to see Joss tonight. have to see if i can afford a taxi.
My finger nails are such a mess- all broken and stuff, damn work.
i should maybe go work now.