So yea, I've been tinkering around with that green-and-black fixing/stompy/recursion deck I mentioned earlier, and I just got hit in the face with an accidental but rather nice combo. Check it out:
At first I thought your comment had a "you" in it before the "turn" and I was alternately amused and insulted on my brother's behalf. Now I don't know what to think.
Yea, and the thing that makes it awesome is that it was utterly unintentional. I didn't build the deck to do this, and the objective is not to pull this out every time, or even most of the time. It was completely accidentally and really really cool.
If I go buying cards to "fix" the deck, I'll probably get duplicates of most of the cards here though, to increase the odds. There are lots of one-copy cards in the deck that don't need to be there, and it would definitely benefit from more Fosters/Deadwood Treefolks/Fierce Empaths/Protean Hulks/Root Elementals/Hypergenesis-es.
I suppose combo is the wrong word, since it seems to be implying I built the deck to do this. It was more like I had all these cards in the deck and all of a sudden it was staring up at me from the table. It was so cool.
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If I go buying cards to "fix" the deck, I'll probably get duplicates of most of the cards here though, to increase the odds. There are lots of one-copy cards in the deck that don't need to be there, and it would definitely benefit from more Fosters/Deadwood Treefolks/Fierce Empaths/Protean Hulks/Root Elementals/Hypergenesis-es.
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