I have been having a bit of a swelling of remembering why I love canon so much and this meme made me catalyse some of my thoughts about it, having seen some interesting insights in other people doing it!
01. The first character I fell in love with: Probably Hermione. It's been 11 years (!) since I first read the books I find it hard to remember how I used to feel when only 2 books were out. Before the films, even before Lupin. But I do know I really loved Hermione a lot back then. It may have been Harry, too.
02. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: There are two main ones, I think. Snape- though I only remembered today that in fact when I joined fandom I was completely cold on him. I read a massively long thread on why he's awesome (all very canon based) and rethought him. Draco. I had so little interest in him before, but HBP in particular changed that. I think seeing nuances in him helped, fandom possibly did as well.
03. The character (most) everyone else loves that I don't: I can't think of one! There are certain characterisations of characters I don't like, but I can't think of a popular character I actively don't like.
04. The character I love that everyone else hates: Lupin as he is in all of canon. I'm not happy with him being with Tonks, but once that's established I don't think what follows is so out of character. The scene where he's being an idiot wanting to run out on his wife and kid completely fits Lupin in my head.
05. The character I used to love but don't any longer: I don't love Hermione or Snape the way I used to. I still like them, but I'm not so interested in them now. Though this meme is making me remember why I do like them. Oh, and Tonks, the obvious one, from whom my name originates. No explanation needed there, though I can sort of find a redemption for her if I try hard. Sort of.
06. The character I would shag anytime: FirenzeCharlie Weasley? To be honest I don't want to have sex with most of them myself, just read about them with each other.
07. The character I want to be like: Hermione. I might just be saying this because I have to much work to get done right now and she actually gets stuff done ;)
08. The character I'd slap: Tonks. It still gets to me if I think about it to hard - I was especially just so convinced that a love potion was involved considering all the love potion stuff in HBP!
09. A pairing that I love: Harry/Draco (and in general Gryf/Slyth parings)
10. Two pairings that I hate: Harry/Hermione. I just don't see it. Snape/Draco; it seriously skeeves me out in a way I don't even understand.
11. Favourite character: Harry, now.
12. My six favourite characters: Harry, Snape, Lupin, Hermione, Ron, Luna.
13. My five least favourite characters: This is hard and I am discounting DEs, that makes it too easy! Grawp, Trelawny, Vernon Dursley, Lavlav and Mrs. Norris(such a bitch!).
14. Which character I am most like: I have no idea! Ron? I meant that as a joke, but actually I am more like him than I thought. Seriously though, I'm not sure. What do you lot think?
15. My deep, dark fandom secret: I already said one earlier, about Lupin. I think it would be that I really enjoyed DH and have no major issues about it in particular and really I just completely love the world to a massive extent and have no issues with JKR's writing style. I may know there are problems, but really it just feel like slipping into a comfy dressing gown and slippers when I read her words and I only notice clunky things when they are pointed out.
I think Ill start a full reread this week :D I have never read 1-7 back to back and I think it's time.