Title: Unexpected
doralice_29Rating: G
Genre: romance
Warnings: none
Bands: The GazettE
Pairings: Aoi/Uruha
Disclaimer: Srsly, do you think I’d be here if I owned them? o.O
Synopsis: The room looked brighter when you came in
Comment: for my wife
mikiru5Note: just a drabble
That shining smile.
When I think about the first time we met, I immediately remember that
genuine, childish, shining smile adorning your soft lips.
The room looked brighter when you came in.
And your words sounded like beautiful lyrics to me.
I was too lost watching you that I didn’t realize you were talking to me.
Embarassed, I drifted my gaze away while you were lightly chuckling at my behaviour.
Raising my head, I locked my eyes on yours.
And then I felt it.
Shining in your eyes just like it did in mine.
This is love.
Because I love you so very much <3333