Title: For Love
doralice_29Rating: PG13
Genre: angst
Warnings: character death, cutting
Bands: The GazettE
Pairings: Reita/Ruki
Disclaimer: Srsly, do you think I’d be here if I owned them? o.O
Synopsis: Since you're gone I finally feel some happiness
Note: just a drabble
I let the blade sink down with a slow movement....
I move it up to my elbow, then I do the same on the other arm.
It’s amazing how quickly blood starts flowing, while several drops fall down.
And I just stand here staring at them.
Suddenly my head starts to spin and I fall on the floor.
My vision gets blurry.
I made pretty good cuts, ne?
Closing my eyes, I slowly start to see your beautiful face.
You’re smiling at me.
Since you’re gone I finally feel some happiness.
“I’m coming Reita.......”
Dying for love... isn’t it romantic?