Once again, I was tagged to do this. This time, from
seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
2. Tag seven people to do the same.
3. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag whoever to do it.
1. I'm a left hander and take great pride in being one. Yes, proud to be a leftie! XD
2. I hate it when people don't flush the toilet after using it.
3. When I get annoyed/irritated, either my ears start itching and/or my left eye starts twitching.
4. I've bee a WWE fan for 11 years now.
5. People's first impression of me is that they think that I'm a quiet, brooding, snobbish, antisocial person.
6. I forgive but I don't forget.
7. *searches brain for random facts* Umm... I've had my heart broken... once..? XDDD
I tag (usually, I'd tag whoever to do it, but since I can't...) :
ashields124 My mom forced me to watch a video of a woman giving birth DDDDD:
She's giving me more excuses to NOT get married and have kids when I'm older. GAH. She told me that it's like... shitting, except that the shit is... pretty big... and it... squirms...?
Must call Astro to cancel our viewing previlages for Channel 77.