last time we rolled a new challenge and Lauren (although I accidentally said Platinum last time) became a LADY.OF.THE.NIGHT, so she's going on dates and getting presents!
Gregorian apparently appreciated Lauren's young sweet underage touch.
also, bondchic is his name because bondchick wouldn't fit! darn you maxis!
Rutabega showing her love for the forgotten, Johnson!
Johnson's bunny slippers: We do not appreciate this abuse, just because we are slippers, does not mean we are not bunnies.
Why thank you, good sir! attempting to hide your scandal beneath layers of expensive gifts? no, really, it's okay.
Hilton got a belly, and I hate the fat morphs on guys in sims 2, so he had to lose it the hard way.
also..tiny bulge is tiny.
ah, another Viking baby sleeping in a pet bed, what memories.
I wish it was that easy for me, Hilton, embrace that skin tight body suit!
I'm surprised no one is bullying him about his name.
then again, maybe they are and he's just taking it out on his academics by BEATING THEM.
Lauren had a want to have a party, and every good party girl knows that you invite your current booty call to your parties, unless they are ugly, or married.
since Gregorian is neither, he got invited, and he also got a fine piece of ass.
excuse me, but do I know you? I don't think you live here, I'd appreciate you getting out of the fridge.
Lauren gave her virginity to a senator and it was only a good time? this doesn't bode well with me.
Adult!Hilton, whom I ushered out the door as fast as possible, he is pretty, but I'm not having him age until I get an heir vote up.
I actually have like..two more updates of photos taken and all the kids uploaded and photos taken, but I'm trying to pace myself so I don't spam everyone.
and this is Semel, she's cute, right?
I swear, she has two full food bowls!
Lauren: I heard that Rielle Hunter got tons of hush money from John Edwards, do you think I could get the same thing from Gregorian if I had his secret love child?
Semel: -om nom nom-
there are several things that scare me in life, and this is one of them.
I love this hood and I'm not ready for corruption, yet!
roses are red
violets are blue
Lauren is cute...AND PENGUINS ARE TOO!
well thanks, but are you talking to yourself?
Well, I guess she got her plan rolling.
sh, don't tell him you're pregnant and try to look skinny.
Jinnee by
chitina_sims Dirk by
bondchick_nett Dido by
needlecream Rae by
telectroscope chefs choice always consists of steak for Gregorian and cake for Lauren.
is that a prod at her age? you tell me.
and then proceeded to oogle Dido.
Lauren and Gregorian had an okay date, not DREAMY or anything =[
so I came back home and renovated the nursery, it's pretty, right? but see those floor blankets..yeah, I thought they had owls on them for some reason, but in reality...grim reapers.
Olive is pretty much as big as Johnson. and look! it's Bloomingdale!
Bloomingdale: hey sis, wanna play red hands?
Lauren: look, I'm pregnant, I can't be doing things like that.
nothing good can come of this.
Carrot Stick: ooga booga!
okay, okay, so he's KIND OF cute.
and so Bloomingdale is really sweet, so what? personality isn't everything.
I've heard of mommy and me yoga before, but kitty and me ballet? it could be the next big money maker.
holy long photo!
it's entirely probable that photobucket will be a cunt and delete these, but it's naked Platinum walking around the house in front of her young impressionable children!
Lauren: well hi there Johnson, I feel like what with my dating and the political scandal and all, I may not have given you enough attention.
Johnson: look, you're pregnant, I don't want to cuddle up to your fetus.
are you ready for more renovations/redecorating!?:
so this is the new old folks room, not too impressive, but I had to move it and add on to the house, okay so I didn't have to but I wanted to.
and may I introduce you to my new favorite room in the house? I actually started out with the intention to make a girls room, but..this is kind of a teenage girls room. oh well.
and this is the little kids room/boys room that I redecorated a while ago but never took any caps of properly.
so! thanks for reading, this is where I'm leaving you tonight, I have a crapload more photos to edit and upload so that I can hopefully get this heir vote up in a couple more days =]