Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates it today! I am overfed and exhausted, I uploaded this update a few days ago but thought today would be a nice time to post it since it's CHRISTMAS and I'm lazy.
for some reason I didn't get a college cut scene, probably because I had cut scenes turned off and was stupid and didn't think to turn them back on for the cute.
here is Stephen looking a little awkward, before his university makeover.
I spent a good hunk of money on MK's room, and completely fucked the boys over.
I considered changing her hair for her new young adult life, but then I realized that it makes her supremely cute and I couldn't do that, so I put some blush on her and maybe changed her eyeshadow or something, still cute.
here is Auguste wearing a truly hideous outfit, I changed him after this was taken.
but he's still sexy.
Allen, looking sexy, but still very much like his father.
and Stephen, looking slightly less awkward, but still..yeah, kind of awkward. I did what I could.
I started flailing my arms about this time, I made PT dormies and while I wasn't sure they'd show up because I've never done this before, I was trying to be positive.
Eight by
boolpropbea was one of the dormies I made, who changed his clothes into..a wetsuit, as soon as I changed him into YA to townify him, thanks Eight.
he also has two bolts with MK, and yes, I summoned him here, no, he isn't in my dorm.
see that ball on the table? 1k out of their college funds, but can you really put a price on true love?
besides Auguste's ridiculously gappy hair...he also has chemistry with Faustie by
bondchick_nett who has incredibly luscious lips that seem glitchy in my game, because her teeth eat through them a lot.
way to try to get through to the voters, guys.
I had a blow up chair when I was nine or ten, it looked almost exactly like that.
however, I didn't get to lounge in it and watch weirdos dance.
SO.MUCH.CUTE. thoughts on Eight/MK?
they flirted a lot before they went up to her room to do the deed, I just didn't capture it all.
and after, too.
that outfit is really ugly, it has to go next time I play, though it is humorous.
I've said this before, but Faustie reminds me of a russian dominatrix, I didn't want to dress her in like, leather and chains though, so now she looks like a sexy librarian.
round two.
hey, at least she can get something done, right?
him too, but he's a boy and I hate boy sims now.
I'm starting to think of the smustle as a genuine drug, these guys do it ALL THE TIME, when they're not smustling together, they "dance solo"
Ernest by
tehlobster has chemistry with Stephen, he is also adorable.
the other photo I took of them kiss kissing from another view with the guy in it and his junk blocked by a pepper or something got removed, but it was covered!
they don't hacky sack as much, it's a lesser known drug.
I imagine Phil Collins in the background.
gappy, but still cute.
Ellenore by
radiationpoison is not pleased with being set up with this lamer.
when left to their own devices, sims only want to bang, make out, and dance.
Faustie is starting to question your commitment to Sparkle Motion.
this is what happens when you let your team down, Sparkle Motion!
Click to view
I only recently discovered there were naked babies on this dress, but what I'm also disturbed by the fact that this particular naked baby seems to be dangling off of what I can only describe antenna for a television?
I'll leave you with this glorious sight.