Congratulations, self! You have truly gone above and beyond the call of normal OCDish-ness.
In sum: It's a whole lot of reading, a buttload of assignments, and one lonely iTunes window hidden at the veeeeery back, because I can't read without music. Why no, you are not the first person to suspect I have ADD; thanks for asking.
P.S. No, not all of the programs open are open on that desktop. I use Spaces, which means I can have a desktop for work and a desktop for play if I want to. (Very nice for private Internet browsing during class, apparently, although I very rarely use my laptop for note-taking.)
P.P.S. I typically don't use Firefox on my Macbook, but Webstudy doesn't always play nicely with Safari, so I have little choice.
P.P.P.S. The course in question is Survey of British Literature I, meaning Anglo-Saxons to Enlightenment satire. Just in case you cared.