Icon truth meme. (I'll be super sad if no one comments, so please leave me a comment).
- I come bearing a Bones picspam because I've been studying for what seems like forever and I need a break.
BOOTH: It was found in Eastern Washington State.
BOOTH: Inside a bear.
BRENNAN: No, I mean .. Inside a bear?
BOOTH: ...the case bumped to the Seattle field office, they bumped it to me. Check it out
BRENNAN: Why they bump it to you?
BOOTH: Bones, I mean do you really care for the inner workings of the FBI office?
BRENNAN: They bumped it to you because you work with me.
BOOTH: No, they hoped you could help ID the body.
BOOTH: Whoo...k, um ... Thanks Bones.
BRENNAN: Glad I could help
BOOTH: But, you're not done.
BRENNAN: I'll check out the photographs and x-rays and see if I can confirm sex and age
BOOTH: Pack your bags, we're going to Washington state.
BRENNAN: I'm not going to Washington state (not happy)
BOOTH: Again, just because you say it in that definitive tone doesn't mean it means anything to me.
BRENNAN: Are you suggesting I take this opportunity to have sex with Booth on a field trip?
GOODMAN: Good god, where is Dr. Freud when you need him?
BEST. CONVERSATION. EVER. (so far) lol. As usual, I totally loved being all "I don't care what you say, you still have go" with Brennan. It's adorable. It's like they're little children arguing. And Brennan jumping to conclusions that Dr. Goodman wants Brennan to have sex with Booth. HILARIOUS!
BOOTH: You know being cooped up in crappy hotel in the middle of nowhere, with a fifty dollar per diem, is not my idea of a good time either, you know.
BRENNAN: You only get fifty dollars a day? How can you live on that?
BOOTH: OK, What do you mean, what do you get?
BRENNAN: I don't have a limit, just give them the receipts.
BOOTH: Now, you have to have a limit, everyone has a limit, we work for the government.
BRENNAN: Yeaah ... I don't have a limit.
BOOTH: But, it's not fair. It's not fair to the tax payers...you're like one of those thousand dollars toilet seats.
BOOTH: Heh...You know you're a smart ass, you know that?
BRENNAN: Objectively I'd say I'm very smart, although it has nothing to do with my ass.
BOOTH: You know what? I'll tell you what ... you can take me out to dinner. Put me on your tab.
BRENNAN: That doesn't seem ethical.
BOOTH: You still want that gun now, don't you? Hm?
BRENNAN: We'll start with breakfast.
I know I didn't actually put the caps with this conversation, but those caps suck. None of them had both Booth and Brennan so I just decided to use different caps. Anways, ADORABLE CONVERSATION. Yet again. I love how Booth bribes Brennan with a gun just so she can take him out to breakfast.
ANGELA: So, did you catch the guy?
BRENNAN: No, Booth lost him in the woods.
BOOTH: Whoa, wait a second, I didn't lose him.
BRENNAN: You didn't catch him.
ANGELA: So you two have the night free?
BRENNAN: Yes, we can't do anything until I get a determination on that meat and Booth has to wait until its light to look for the guy he lost.
BOOTH: I didn't lose him, ok. I...he...tell her that my flashlight died.
BRENNAN: She doesn't care.
BOOTH: Give me the phone.
BRENNAN: It's not safe to drive and talk on the cell phone.
ANGELA: Are you two fighting?
BOOTH: Professional pride, tell her. Please tell her that.
BOOTH: Give me the phone...hold on.
BOOTH: Plus you know what? It wasn't even my flashlight ok? It was the Sheriff's flashlight and his batteries they ran out, ok?
BRENNAN: Good night Angela.
ANGELA: Hey, you have to take that man for a drink...and have a little fun yourself.
BRENNAN: Fun and a drink, where do we find that?
Hilarious conversation between Angela/Booth/Brennan. I love how concerned Booth is that Brennan gets the story right and how it's not his fault he lost the guy. Plus, Angela suggesting that Brennan and Booth go out for drinks, AWESOME!
BOOTH: Mind if I cut in? Thought you might need a break.
BRENNAN: What happened to your shirt?
BOOTH: Well, we're in a bar, it's a look.
BRENNAN: Everybody is pumping me.
BOOTH: Sorry?
BRENNAN: For information on the case.
BOOTH: Bones, they're only pretending to be interested in the case.
BOOTH: They're hitting on you.
BRENNAN: Are you sure?
BOOTH: Yes, I'm sure. You're the hottest thing this town has seen in a long time. Check out the competition. Now that, is somebody who wants to eat your heart.
OMG! BOOTH/BRENNAN DANCING IS THE BEST. THING. EVER. I love how Booth says Brennan is the hottest thing they've ever seen, because OMG! he thinks she's hot!!! lol. I'm sorry, but anyone else flail when watching this scene?
BOOTH: You didn't come down for breakfast Bones.
BRENNAN: Wasn't hungry. Sorry you had to pay for your own meal.
BOOTH: Called your room, there was no answer.
BRENNAN: Why the sudden interest in my morning habits, Booth?
BOOTH: Well, I just thought we were going to get something to eat. And, you know...so I waited and my eggs got cold. Cold eggs.
Aww, poor Booth waiting for Brennan and having to eat cold eggs. He almost sounds jealous. It's cute, really.
No interesting conversations here, I just think Emily looks beautiful in these caps, and I love the way Booth is looking at her in the second one. *dies*
Again, nothing interesting, but I just love how Booth always hovers over Brennan when she's on the computer, and OMG! close proximity!!
BRENNAN: Rigby didn't miss it ...moments like this is why I need a gun. Where else do you keep them? Thank you.
BOOTH: That is for self defense, so you don't just go blasting away in there.
BRENNAN: What if I have to shoot? What part of the body should I hit?
BOOTH: The part that isn't me...just stay back.
LOL. I love how Brennan always wants a gun. It's so funny. And she's so controlling. She always walks in before Booth and doesn't even listen to him. It just makes me gush so much.
BOOTH: Oh, so it's Charlie.
BRENNAN: Yeah, the overnight guy.
BOOTH: Yeah, I know who he is.
BRENNAN: I bet he's a great skier...his hips and thighs are perfectly developed for strength and maneuverability...
BOOTH: That's good...I'm done.
BRENNAN: What? No good? Want some cornflakes? Want some?
JUST SO MUCH CUTENESS! Especially with Brennan trying to feed Booth some cereal. I was secretly hoping he'd take a bit, though...lol