
Mar 20, 2005 04:22

so i got home about an hour ago from watching the ring 2 with my brother and a few of our friends. something happened before the movie :[ I SAW THE HOTTEST GUY ON EARTH well not really but he was SOOO CUTE !! one of the cutest guys ive ever seeen in the vallley.. like we were buying stuff and he was behind us then me and him were staring at each ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

thissmileisfake March 20 2005, 12:31:08 UTC
wow minnie!
party animal...or movie animal?
out that late!
ha, i love you minnie!


dorkiexgirlx March 20 2005, 19:08:20 UTC
hahahah movie animal under surveilance.. howeveryou spell that word :[


baka_kento March 20 2005, 13:53:39 UTC
I didn.t buy anything yesterday =)


dorkiexgirlx March 20 2005, 19:07:33 UTC
LOL <3 greg how are you doing


testicalpoptart March 20 2005, 21:22:57 UTC
You should try writing about interesting things.


dorkiexgirlx March 20 2005, 21:54:09 UTC
whats interesting? hahaha


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