Title: You and I (Embrace in the Far Away Dream)
Genre: AU Fantasy
Rating: PG13
Pairing: JaeMin
Length: 3/12?
Warning: Unbeta-ed, Profanity
Summary: Little JaeJoong wants to be an angel. “If I can return all of your tears back into the sea, will the sins and pain be forgotten too?”(Butterfly Kiss Rave)
1A /
1B Disclaimer: Snatched the prompt/idea from the manga Same Cell Organism: To Make an Angel. Ficlet & OCs are mine.
562 W
I remembered a dream
I chased while I was young
A familiar figure is walking
Ahead in the distance
(Fairytale - Kalafina)
Two A; In which JaeJoong dreams of red and pearl white and manages to make it to school on time.
He dreams of red, a figure - no a body standing in the middle of glowing flames. He takes a step forward, curiosity getting the best of him. Upon closer look, he sees the back of a child, probably at the tender age of ten. The child turns his head and he sees tears streaming down the pale cheeks, eyes pooled in longing and sadness. He thinks of “why” and “who” until the boy shakes his head, as though he had just heard his thoughts, and walks into the midst of flames.
He screams when the fire consumes the boy but his voice reaches no one. No sound, nothing. He doesn’t hear his voice at all.
And then he dreams of pearl white, a tall man with large wings and a warming smile on his lips. It’s enough to make his heart clench and soar, and he wonders why the face looks familiar, so familiar. He opens his mouth, hoping that his voice will be able to reach the man, and this time it does as he asks, “Will I ever see you again?”
The smile widens and the man answers, “You will.”
Are you sure?
I’m sure.
You promise?
I promise.
JaeJoong stirs from his slumber and finds himself on his stomach, face in his pillow and fingers clenched in the sheets. He blinks the sleep away from his eyes and turns his head, half expecting to see chocolate brown eyes and a welcoming smile. But instead he is met with the bright glowing numbers of his shrieking clock. It reads 7:45 and realizing he is ridiculously late for school (having only less than ten minutes to get ready and fuck, fuck, fuck he’s going to have to skip breakfast again), he bolts away from his bed and runs directly to his bathroom.
He brushes his teeth, combs his hair, and puts on his black jeans all in one go. Rushing back to his closet, he grabs a simple striped v-neck shirt and white socks while he searches for his apartment keys. Seven minutes later JaeJoong is already out of the door and running down the streets with his purple schoolbag thrown over his shoulders.
JaeJoong curses under his breath, shouting a list of swears of “fuck it” and “oh man” and “I’m so screwed” and “Mr. Jenkins is going to have my head” as he runs and turns at a sharp corner. Glancing at his wristwatch, he realizes he has approximately five minutes before the school gates close and curses his fate. He holds tightly onto his schoolbag and picks up his pace. The list of swears increases as he makes his way through a crowded street. He tries as hard as he can to not knock into people and makes another sharp turn.
After what seems like forever, the school finally comes into view and JaeJoong somehow manages to squeeze pass the school gates just before it closes. He throws his bag off his shoulders and slumps onto the ground, trying to catch his breath. And when the class bell rings, JaeJoong sighs and gets back up again. He notices a white fluffy feather next to his bag (he doesn’t remember seeing it a moment ago), but he shrugs it off and swings the bag over his shoulders once more as he walks into the direction of his first class.
Author's Note: I had issues writing this particular part, but in all honesty I enjoyed it. The beginning is very different from what I usually write nowadays (if you can find the differences and similiarities), but it was fun. :]
Comments are loved & appreciated.
Interlude 1