Title: You and I (Embrace in the Far Away Dream)
Genre: AU Fantasy
Rating: PG
Pairing: JaeMin
Length: 4/12?
Warning: Unbeta-ed
Summary: Little JaeJoong wants to be an angel. “If I can return all of your tears back into the sea, will the sins and pain be forgotten too?”(Butterfly Kiss Rave)
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2A Disclaimer: Snatched the prompt/idea from the manga Same Cell Organism: To Make an Angel. Ficlet & OCs are mine.
497 W
Nobody knows who I really am
Maybe they just don’t give a damn.
I want you to know who I really am.
I never thought I’d feel this way towards you.
And if you ever need someone to come along,
I will follow you and keep you strong.
(Life is Like a Boat - Rie Fu)
Interlude I; In which we see a glimpse of Changmin’s story.
He was never, ever, suppose to go out of the gates of heaven unless his older brother accompanied him. But little Changmin is too rebellious and too curious to ever follow the rules. “It’s not fair that the older angels get to work with humans! I am old enough to guard them myself!” He shouts, angry by the fact that he has to stay home alone (it’s too quiet, too lonely). And even though he is only five years old (in angel years), he knows that he is ready to work but none of the older angels take him seriously.
Everyone laughs at his childish words (“he is too young,” is what they always say), especially his brother, and Changmin hates it to his very core. It was that very reason why he ran off and stole his brother’s keys that night after they mocked him. Changmin had no intentions to meet anyone but once he stepped out of the gates, he found himself in a dark quiet forest with another boy.
He takes a step forward but immediately stops when he hears a sniff followed by a soft sigh. Changmin wonders what he should do - make his appearance and befriends with the boy or leave him alone and go back before his brother finds him?
He waits in the shadows and then gives out a sad smile. Yeah, maybe it is best that he leaves; he’s not even allowed to be here in the first place. But before he can turn around and open the gates to heaven once again, he hears, “I hate bullies, especially the ones at my school. Why do people make fun of me for wanting to be an angel for Halloween? What’s wrong with it?”
The words of “wanting to be an angel” immediately captures his attention. “Nothing is wrong with it.” He answers in a small voice.
Changmin finds the boy all sorts of cute from how JaeJoong gives him a toothy smile to how he explains why he wants to be an angel. It makes him feel warm and fuzzy inside, and he wishes how he can stay just a little longer with his new friend. But when he looks up and sees a tiny glimpse of glitter behind the night clouds (the doors of the gates were starting to open again), he knows it is time for him to go. Changmin wishes to tell him the truth (being an angel really sucks) but he knows consequences will be damned.
His brother is all up in his face when he reaches back home. “I was looking every where for you!” He lectures, frowning.
He listens silently with eyes closed and tiny hands clenched to his sides. It’s not until his brother finishes that Changmin finally looks up at him and says in a strong voice, “Yoochun, I know who I want protect from now on.”
Changmin has broken two rules already, and he isn’t afraid to break another one.
Author's Note: School is starting in two days - thus I decided to post up a quick update. Nothing much, but now you see a bit of Changmin's side of the story. Or at least why he was there in the first place.
I'd say for you not to pay too much attention to the angel's age and whatnot because that's not going to be the main objective of the story. Understand that it's there because I needed to show that there are younger ones who are angels too in the heaven-world I have created.
Comments are loved and appreciated.