You & I (Embrace in the Far Away Dream)

Aug 29, 2012 22:38

Title: You and I (Embrace in the Far Away Dream)
Genre: AU Fantasy
Rating: PG
Pairing: JaeMin
Length: 5/12?
Warning: Unbeta-ed
Summary: Little JaeJoong wants to be an angel. “If I can return all of your tears back into the sea, will the sins and pain be forgotten too?” (Butterfly Kiss Rave)

1A / 1B / 2A / Interlude 1

Disclaimer: Snatched the prompt/idea from the manga Same Cell Organism: To Make an Angel. Ficlet & OCs are mine.

325 W

Demons sidle up sweetly
Laughing in the hole in my heart
(Hallelujah - Rurutia)
Two B; In which JaeJoong dreams of misty blue and jet-black.

He dreams of a misty blue, a thirteen-year-old boy crying. His skinny arms are wrapped around his knees protectively, face buried into the small space between his knees, and he takes a step forward. The boy hiccups and cries a little louder, and he stops, feeling confused. The scene looks too familiar, too close to home (why, he doesn’t know), and he realizes the child’s face is slightly blurred as he crouches in front of the child.

Placing a hand on the boy’s head, he gently ruffles the silky hair into a mess. “Why are you crying?”

“N-no one wants me.” The boy answers, voice cracked and shoulders shaking. “No o-one.”

He closes his eyes and leans forward to plant a kiss on the boy’s forehead. But when he reopens his eyes, he dreams of jet-black, and finds himself in a forest. Ducking under a low tree branch, he sighs in content when he sees sprouting buds and familiar flowers.

“You’re finally here.”

He turns his head in the direction where he heard the deep voice. Seeing nothing but trees, he frowns and shifts his gaze back to the small flower garden. ‘What is this place?’

He suddenly feels tense and stops breathing when a pale hand reaches over his shoulders, long slender fingers wrap around his neck. He sees a black feather falling from the corner of his eyes, and he swallows nervously when he feels a warm breath against his skin.

“So you are the pathetic human who he wants.”

A spark of fear blooms and stretches over his heart as he squirms a little and scoots his face away from the tickling breath. “What are you talking about?”

“He leaves us for you, but I am sure he will be back.” There’s a bitter laugh before the deep voice continues, “because no one wants you, JaeJoong. Nobody.”

“Why are you crying?”

JaeJoong jerks awake to find an unfamiliar face hovering over his.


Author's Note: I thought I had this story down from the beginning; meaning I thought I knew what & how & when the scenes/emotions/etc are going to happen. But apparently this shot just totally went haywire and well - it's now a 360 turn. It's not that bad, I'm just surprised.

Comments are loved and appreciated.

Interlude 2

length: drabble-series, pairing: jaemin, ds: you&i(embrace)

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