Title: Of Ripped Pants and a Blissful Kiss Genre: Fluff Rating: G Pairing: JaeSu Length: 338 W Warning: Unbeta, 2nd POV Summary: Junsu tries to mend JaeJoong’s favorite pants.
This is so cute and fluffy ^___^ It totally makes sense that Junsu would burst Jae's trousers lol but also that he would try so hard to fix them...even if he failed miserable. But of course Jae wouldn't mind, how could he? I could imagine them being just like this if the situation was in real life hehe ♥
right?! :D ♥ haha jaejoong would probably go running to yoochun and complain to him about his ripped pants though - or at least that is what i also picture. x3
Awww this is so sweet xP Junsu's clumsiness and big butt is just cute, poor Jae haha Lovely writing, and yay Jaesu! Always need more Jaesu in the world! \(^^)/
Comments 11
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his big butt is adorable haha!
really? :O i have not seen a lot of their lives to have witnessed this.
i will check it out later though :]
thanks darling! ♥
thank you sweety! ♥
♥ thanks darling!
It totally makes sense that Junsu would burst Jae's trousers lol but also that he would try so hard to fix them...even if he failed miserable. But of course Jae wouldn't mind, how could he? I could imagine them being just like this if the situation was in real life hehe
haha jaejoong would probably go running to yoochun
and complain to him about his ripped pants though -
or at least that is what i also picture. x3
thanks love! ♥
Lovely writing, and yay Jaesu! Always need more Jaesu in the world! \(^^)/
haha thankyuuu darling! ♥
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