Title: Sing to Me
Genre: Fluff
Rating: G
Pairing: HoSu
Length: 401 W
Warning: Unbeta
Summary: Yunho wants Junsu to sing him their song.
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P8 Vietnamese Translated Version:
Here Prompt 9: Imagine Person A overhearing Person B singing in the shower and sitting by the door to listen.
401 W
This isn't a dream,
You standing in front of me.
(Around and Around - Junsu)
He’s flipping through the channels, a bored, lazy expression displayed on his face (Junsu’s taking too long in the bathroom Dangit!), when he hears a familiar tune coming down from the hallway. He frowns and turns off the TV before pushing himself upright and stretches. The tune gets louder and louder as he walks closer to bathroom, and then he hears a melodious voice sing, “I am going somewhere, led by this familiar scent. And you stand in the place where the wind stopped blowing.”
He immediately recognizes this song and smiles a little, walking towards and closer to the door of the bathroom. It’s beautiful, he thinks, and his heart melts a little when his lover reaches to his favorite part of the song. “I went around and around for a long, long time and found you again.”
It’s not every day Yunho gets to hear Junsu sing to him, and if he does, it’s never their song - the song Junsu had spent hours and days and months on writing for him. The younger man tells him that it’s too embarrassing, too cheesy but he had needed something to woo Yunho. He chuckles quietly and leans against the door, closing his eyes and humming softly.
The beauty and meaning of the song did woo him all right.
The door suddenly opens and Yunho falls back, eyes fluttering open in shock as his head hits the floor with a thud. He winces, arm reaching to caress the blooming pain.
His eyes snap back open and he looks up at topless lover. “Uh - hi?”
“What are you…doing?”
“I was - uh… listening to you uh sing?”
Junsu rolls his eyes, the corner of his lips quirk, and helps Yunho up to his feet. “Creeping again, I see.” He jokes as he reaches forward to massage Yunho’s head. He ducks his head lower when Yunho stares at him a little far too long, and Junsu starts to feel the heat creep up his face.
“Sing me the whole song again.”
He really doesn’t want to, honestly, it’s too embarrassing because he had thought once was enough. But when he looks back up and sees the adorable (and convincing) pout on Yunho’s lips, he sighs in defeat. He tip toes and kisses the pout away.
“In the warmly flowing sunlight, I draw you out. In the blowing wind that passes by, I feel you.”
Author’s Note: Hm HoSu, this is one of those couples that I haven’t written in ages. Song used is Junsu's Around and Around. It's one of the most fucking cutest songs ever. ♥
Comments are loved and appreciated.