Happy 19th Birthday Brother :]
Me and Hillary decorated a cake for him today. And we took a
I spilled the yellow sprinkles all over Hillary's kitchen and down my shirt : [ Ditzy me.
Then we went to Happy Wok buffet and pigged out on food. And the people that worked there acted like they were afraid of us. Then we picked up Ashley on the way home and we sung happy birthday to Marc and ate cake and ice cream and Michael came over and chilled for a bit. And me and Ashley worked on our homework. I should be working on my homework now but I'm too lazy. I'll do it in a bit.
Oh the things we do on the bus that occupy us. Devin had this balloon that looked like Coach Davis so everyone started hitting it back and forth and we were playing that game where it couldn't touch the ground. And then it flew out the window : [ and there was no more Coach Davis *tear*