Am I A Fun Dork?

Apr 04, 2005 16:12


Location:North Jersey
How did you find this community?jennie_jen_jen was promoting it in 00000000promote


Color:RO G BIV - I like bright colors, I don't really have a favorite
Music type: Punk, pop-punk, or pop
Songs: Everything by The June Spirit
Bands/Singers: The June Spirit, Weezer, Green Day, The Ataris, Streelight MAnifesto, Drokkick Murphys, The Rocket Summer, The Format, The Bouncing Souls.
Books: This Lullaby, Crank, Hairstyles of the Damned, Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, To Kill a Mockingbird, Go Ask ALice, Night.
Word: Skankbag/Vegetative/rad/lame/cranberry
Season: I don't like winter, I like all of the others a lot
Drink:Cold water/coffee
Food: Pizza Bagels
TV Shows: Best Week Ever & Degrassi
Flower:I don't have a favorite flower, but I like to dry roses


Color: Probably, like the colors that you can tell were mixed with brown, like mustard color
Music type: Jazz, on occassion
Drink:Cranberry juice


Five words that best describe you:Moody, creative, friendly, smart, accepting
Five words that best describe your journal: New, elite, pink, long, & I really don't know what else, Because I literaly just got this journal last week.
Have any special talents? What are they? Well, I act & sing & write..if those count as talents
Who is the most important person to you? Well, there are two really important people in my life & they are my best friends Abbsie & Ryan
Tell me a secret: I'm really insecure & not many people know that

Opinions- This is a big part of your application. Take time to explain yourself. Short answers will often times result in a "No" even if the rest of your application was liked.

Abortion:I think it should be soley up to the woman with what she wants to do with her body. Sure, i don't think you should have sex unitl you're ready to care for a child, but sometimes people are careless or they get raped or their body can't handle being pregnaut. So, I really don't think anyone has the right to tell a woman what to do with her body.
Religion: Um, religion is great, for some people. I think it's wondeful that people have somethiing to believe in, but I don't think it's wondeful how people are dying in result of some one else's religion everyday & how extremists try to force their religion on you. Personally, I don't believe in anything, but when people do, I respect that.
Education: Education is a very important part of society & life in general. i think to further out knowledge & world as a whole, everyone should be as informed as possible, because though ignorance is bliss, knowledge is power.
Gay Marriages:I am all for gay marriages. People should be able to love and marry whoever they want, because you can't control your emotions. I don't think the government should be have any say in who marries who, because there are mush more important things that they should be worring about.
George Bush:Oh man, I don't think he has any idea what's he's doing & most of the stuff that he has donw has hurt the country in numerous ways.
John Kerry:Bleh, I don't reallt think he could've done a much better job than Bush, because he didn't really have any stable opinions.
War: War should be a last resort and only when lives or security are at risk, but other than that, war should be used when nothing else can be done and everything else has been tried.
The Military: The Military is, umm, good? It keeps us safe and provides jobs for Americans
Death Penilty: I have mixed emotions on this, because I really do believe that some people should be killed for what they've done, but also, that's really harsh, because death is never right. BEsides that, life in prison is costing the U.S. billions of dollars that could be used for more productive things. For me, I guess, it really depends on the person, the crime, and the chance that they could contribute to society after their prison term as to whether the death penilty is right or wrong.
Teens having Children: That really depends on the person. If the teen is mentally mature enough to care for a child, can support the child, bring it up in a loving environment, and still finish school then I would say that it is totally acceptable. But if the teen isn't ready or will put the child in dager, then I'm opposed to it.
Drug Use:Drugs are bad and they mess up people's lives and I really don't think people should use them.

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