Title: Blanket Thief
Fandom: X-men
Characters: Victor Borkowski/Jean-Paul Beaubier
Prompt: 16. Cold
Word Count: 229
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Victor’s a blanket hog
Author's Notes: Sequel to
Lazy Saturday Morning Jean-Paul Beaubier shivered, and tried to figure out why he was shivering. It took his sleep fog mind a few moments to realize that all the covers were gone. A peek around found all of them, including the bottom sheet, wrapped around a pair of long green legs. Victor Borkowski shifted a little in his sleep, one hand tucked under his head and the other resting on his stomach. Jean-Paul let out an annoyed grunt as he contemplated the puzzle of getting the blankets back without waking Victor up.
Slowly, the speedster sat up and scooted down to get a better look at the tangled knot of blankets. It was a proverbial Gordian Knot.
“And me without my sword,” Jean-Paul murmured, one hand resting on one of Victor’s legs. The younger man twitched a little. “I know you get cold, my boy,” he sighed. “So why is it you keep kicking the covers off?”
“Maybe I want you to keep me warm,” Victor mumbled, kicking at the knot of covers until it came free. He sat up and smiled invitingly, holding a hand out to Jean-Paul. The speedster grudgingly took the hand and allowed the lizard like mutant to pull him back.