Title: The Closest Thing
Fandom: X-Men
Characters: Victor Borkowski, Billy Kaplan
Prompt: 24. Family
Word Count: 288
Rating: PG
Summary: She’s the closest thing he’ll ever have to a daughter.
Author's Notes: Set in my That Damn MPreg universe.
William Kaplan rapped his knuckles on the infirmary wall.
“Did they find them yet?” Victor asked, not looking up. Will could see his hands wrapped around one of Ray-Ray’s. A green thumb ran over ivory skin, back and forth, restlessly.
“Not yet.”
“You’ll tell me when they do.” A statement, not a request.
William glanced across the room to Nico, who was sleeping fitfully in a chair.
“We’re watching her in shifts,” Victor said, answering his unasked question. “I’ll sleep when Tommy gets back.”
Will shifted uncomfortably. “I never knew you all were so close.”
Victor finally looked up, his startling green eyes meeting Will’s. “She’s the closest thing I’m ever going to have to a child, Will. There’s not going to be an inexplicable pregnancy for me.” He looked back down at Ray-Ray, smoothing her hair back. “Rachel’s as much my daughter as Tom’s.” He laughed mirthlessly. “Y’know, me and Nico are the only ones who call her that?”
“Yeah.” Will looked everywhere but the mutant and the unconscious speedster. He felt a little bit guilty, though he couldn’t place why. “You need a break? I can sit with her for a bit.”
Victor shook his head. “I’m fine.”
Will wanted to say No you’re not, but he held his tongue. “What are you going to do when we find them?”
Victor was quiet. “What did you do to those Skrulls?”
Will winced.
“She’s my little girl. I’m not going to let those bastards get away with hurting her.”