Title: That Damn MPreg Pt. 2: A Growing Situation
Rating: PG-13
Universe: Marvel Comics, Young Avengers
Summery: Because someone had to do it, and the evil plot bunnies wouldn’t leave me alone until it was done. Teddy's not feeling too good...
“I can’t believe I caught your virus.” Teddy Altman griped, mock glaring at Billy Kaplan (who was currently engaged in giving offerings to the Ralph, God of Toilets). He was, in fact, kneeling the same spot Teddy had been just a few minutes before.
“Too cheerful.” Billy growled back, hands braced on the toilet seat. “Waaay too cheerful.”
“But that’s why you love me.”
Billy got to his feet, staggering a little as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. He didn’t really look all that sick, and neither did Teddy, but they’d both started the morning with a puke fest for the last two days. “You’re going to see Richards today.” Billy said in that ‘my will be done’ voice of his.
“I don’t see why.” Teddy pointed out. “It’s just a bug.”
“And you’re just a half-Skrull half-Kree and who knows what this ‘just a bug’ is actually doing to your system.” Billy retorted, hands on his hips. He ran a hand through his dark hair, giving Teddy a worried frown. It was the frown that Teddy had never been able to argue with, and he wasn’t even going to try now.
“I’ll stop by after class. I might even let him poke and prod at me.”
Billy smiled. “He means well.”
“He keeps looking at me like he wants to put me under a micro scope. I may be a fanboy, but I will go only so far for my fanboyness. But I’ll humor you.”
“That’s all I ever ask.”