Title: Last Dance
Fandom: Young Avengers (That Damn MPreg)
Characters: Dexter Stien, Angel Starsmore
Prompt: 5. "On my knees I'll ask, last chance for one last dance."
Rating: G
Summary: "You've never been in love, Bobby." What would you sell your soul for?
Dexter opened his eyes and remembered pain and fire and blood. he sat up, clutching his stomach where the shrapnel from the Iron Hide suit had dug in. He found his stomach to be whole and surprisingly blood free.
Dexter looked up, right into Angel's worried face. She'd pushed her long brown hair back off her face so he had a rare, unobstructed view. It'd been the last thing he'd seen before he'd black out. he reached out with a shaking hand and traced her jawline. "Ange? What?"
She wrapped her arms around him, burrying her face in his blond hair. "It doesn't matter. You're okay, it doesn't matter."
Dexter held the mutant, stroking her hair as she shook. "God, babe..."
She kissed him, desperate and hard. Her tongue swept into his mouth, wrestling with his. Dexter lay back on the bed, pulling Angel with him. "You're okay, that's all that matters."
Angel Starsmore stood on the landing pad of the Avengers Tower, chafing her arms with her hands. She'd left her leather jacket with Dexter. She wasn't going to need it where she was going.
"Was it worth it?"
Angel raised her head and met Bobby Altman-Kaplan's bright blue eyes. He was kitted out in full Crimson Wizard regalia, but the hood of his cloak was thrown back, and the wind tugged at his long, platinum blond hair like a playful sister. His hands were clenched at his sides as he watched her.
"Dexter's alright," she said. "That's all that matters."
"You sold your soul," Bobby accused. "And now you're going to break his heart."
"Better a broke heart than a dead body," Angel whispered.
"So which one are you?" he asked, taking a step towards her. "Death, perhaps?"
Angel smiled softly, letting the power uncoil itself. "I'm something new," she whispered as the heat washed over her. She saw Bobby's eyes widen as she changed, assuming the form her new master had given her. "I'm to be his Lightbringer."
Bobby stepped back, sheilding his eyes. "How could you?" he demanded.
Angel rose slowly into the air, away from the Avenger, away from her lover, letting the flames burn away her old life.
"You'd understand if you'd ever been in love.