Title: Your Song
Fandom: X-Men
Characters: Jonothon Starsmore, Jubilee
Prompt: 1. Accomplished
Word Count:
Rating: 117
Summary: It's a song for her.
Author's Notes: Follow up to Angel. Set in my That Damn MPreg universe.
“That… was an unusual song,” Jubilee said. “From you, anyway.”
Jono put his hand across the strings of his guitar, stilling them. He reached for a pencil and scribbled a few notes on his notebook. It’s for Angel
“I guessed.” She leaned over his shoulder, nuzzling his cheek above the bandages. “It’s good.”
Jono gave a little shrug, but Jubilee could tell he was pleased. He wrote the last few notes of the song down and turned, burying his nose in her hair. She’s asleep, he pointed out. Looking to stay that way for a while.
“Then I am going to take advantage of that,” Jubilee purred, “and take a nap.”