Title: Mile
Fandom: Gargoyles
Characters: Matt Bluestone, Margot Yale
Prompt: 98. Vulnerable
Word Count: 105
Rating: PG
Summary: A mile isn't too far.
Author's Notes: Just another odd little drabble.
The scope panned over the people gathered on the front steps of City Hall. He ignored the milling, sheep-like citizens. He ignored the reporters and their brightly lit crews. He even managed to ignore District Attorney Yale.
He didn’t do freebees, no matter how tempting they might be. It was unprofessional, and doing unprofessional things lead to getting caught.
So he ignored DA Yale.
Another thing he didn’t do was Gargoyles. Let some other poor dumb bastard try for them. They were more trouble than they were worth.
The scope settled on a bright red head of hair. Such a wonderfully easy to spot target.