Title: Taking Care
Fandom: X-Men
Characters: Jean-Paul Beaubier, Victor Borkowski, Julian Keller
Prompt: 19. Cranky
Word Count: 174
Rating: PG
Summary: "I can take care of myself, you know."
Author's Notes: Something I've been meaning to write for a little while. Sequel to
Everyday The U-Man’s head bounced off the concrete floor, only to be caught by Victor’s foot and bounced again. The mutant did this a few times, until the enhanced human stopped squirming. Victor transferred his scowl to Jean-Paul, who was in the process of picking his jaw up from his chest. “Please tell me this isn’t what I think it is,” Victor sighed, his green eyes roving over the small army of mutants behind his boyfriend.
“We came to rescue you,” Julian said, letting the doors he had been holding up telekinetically drop. “Buuut I can see I’m not needed here.”
Jean-Paul crossed the room and took Victor by the shoulders, looking him over. “You aren’t injured,” he said, slightly incredulous.
“I can take care of myself,” Victor pointed out dryly. “Did you think I would come here without a plan? Without being able to handle myself?”
“Don’t you ‘Victor’ me. I’m not 16 anymore. I am a full X-Man, and fully capable of kicking all kinds of ass, and don’t you forget it.”