Title: Secret Smile
Universe: Naruto
Rating: G
Summary: A little Kakashi/Iruka written for whisperelmwood in exchange for art.
“I think I might be the only person who knows what you actually look like,” Iruka mused as he combed his fingers through Kakashi’s coarse, spiky white hair. The Jounin opened his left eye and peered up at his Chuunin lover.
“When’s the last time you took off your mask for someone who wasn’t me?” Iruka pointed out. And that was all he really needed to say.
Kakashi smiled slightly. It wasn’t a dazzlingly perfect smile, and the face wasn’t strikingly handsome in the traditional sense. The lower half, the half almost always covered by the mask, was considerably paler than the top, and it was marred by the fine lines of scars that all ninja picked up over time. It was a face with character. And Iruka treasured it, and the smile which made his heart beat just a little bit faster.
It was a smile that was just for him.