Title: Building a House part 11: Security System
Fandom: Young Avengers (AU)
Characters: Billy Kaplan/Teddy Altman, Wanda Maximoff, Tommy Shepard, Erik Lehnsherr, Lorna Dane, Pietro Maximoff
Prompt: 27. Aunt
Word Count: 291
Rating: PG
Author's Notes: Part 11 of my House of M AU. Please forgive me if I've horribly mangled Lorna, but I'm not too familiar with her character.
“This isn’t like William,” Wanda said fretfully as Pietro draped an arm across her shoulders comfortingly. “You don’t think there’s someone controlling him telepathically, do you?”
Lorna looked around the room, then at her father and siblings. “Well,” she said cautiously, “he is a teenager.”
Three sets of eyes turned to the magnokinetic. She shifted her stance a bit, wishing for her nephew’s ability to teleport away. “Look, we expect outbursts from Thomas. Why not William? Just because he hasn’t before doesn’t mean he never would. Besides, you know what they say about the quiet ones.”
This was met with silence.
“Right. I’ll be quiet now.”
“He’s on the roof,” Thomas announced, strolling into his grandfather’s study. He paused under the weight of his family’s regard. “What? That’s where he goes every time he wants to be alone. Or to hide out with his boyfriend.”
Wanda made a choking sound, and Erik dropped the glass of scotch he had been pouring himself.
“What? You guys didn’t know?”
The Skrull Emperor and the Prince of Genosha were talking. Just talking. Wanda watched them, looking for some sign. Something to prove her other son either wrong or right. Neither boy was aware that they were being watched, thanks to the fact that Wanda was watching them via a remote camera.
They could have been any two boys, just talking. Dorrek said something that made William laugh, and looked very pleased about it. The blonde leaned in close, so he was almost nose to nose with William, and he reached out a hand and brushed William’s hair back.
“May I?”
William nodded, then closed what little distance had been left between them, his lips brushing Dorrek’s.
The monitor screen cracked and went dark.