Title: Unrequited
Fandom: X-Men, Young Avengers
Characters: Victor Borkowski, Billy Kaplan
Prompt: 25. Depressed
Word Count:
Rating: G
Summary: Teddy's back, and Billy's happy. Vic? Not so much.
Author's Notes: Sequel to When Teddy was Gone.
“Teddy looks good,” Victor said, sidling up to Billy.
The spellcaster nodded, his eyes never leaving the resurrected shapeshifter, almost like he was afraid Teddy would disappear if he looked away.
Victor fidgeted a bit. “It’s good to have him back.”
Billy held up a hand, shaking his head. “Ask me no questions, I tell you no lies.”
“… alright, Billy. Whatever you want.”
“If you need anything, you know where to find me.”
Billy turned a heartbreaking smile on Victor. “Thanks, Vic.”
The reptilian mutant nodded and chose to retreat quickly, before he did something really stupid like kiss Billy. He was walking down the hall when he suddenly found himself pushed into a closet, a mouth pressed hard against his. “B-Tommy-”
Tommy bent his head and nipped at Victor’s throat, his hands everywhere at once. “Shh.”