Title: Rip van Winkle part V: Dead Man's Ear
Fandom: Young Avengers (that Damn MPreg)
Characters: Victor Borkowski, Aiden Shepard
Prompt: 38. Whisper in a dead man's ear, doesn't make it real. -- RIP, Joss Whedon (Writer's Choice)
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The more things change, the more they stay the same.
The part of Victor’s brain that wasn’t occupied with the fact that there was a tongue in his mouth that wasn’t his own and that he was being pinned to a wall and groped found something very ironic in the whole thing. Once again, he found himself involved in a secretive relationship with a speedster relative of William Kaplan.
The more things changed, the more they stayed the same.
Aiden groaned something that might have been words as he pressed his face against Victor’s neck, biting and sucking on the older mutant’s flesh. Victor didn’t listen. He knew the speedster wasn’t really talking to him.
He also knew that this was wrong on so many levels.
But it was hard to care. He didn’t want to wake up alone.