Title: Ashes to Ashes Part 7: Lazerus
Rating: PG-13
Universe: Gargoyles
Summery: An old enemy returns.
Elisa stood to the side of the door, gun drawn, and nodded to Matt. “On three,” she said into the microphone connected to Goliath’s receiver. “One. Two. Three!”
Matt kicked the door in, and the gargoyles came crashing through the skylight. Good old shock and awe tactics. Never failed to send the bad guys running. Matt called it ‘Pulling a Batman’. Elisa wasn’t sure what he meant by that, and she wasn’t sure she wanted to know either. Just as long as it worked.
The thugs, the remnants of Dracon’s gang, scattered like pidgins before a cat.
The gargoyles scattered themselves, taking up the chase.
Brooklyn had been following Glasses for the past several minutes, intent on bringing the man down.
A little too intent, unfortunately.
He didn’t see the crates falling until it was too late.
“Hn. Not dead yet, I see. I suppose that’s something else we have in common.”
Brooklyn’s eyes snapped open, and he growled as he struggled against the chains binding him. His eyes locked on his tormentor and his jaw dropped. The very much not dead Tony Dracon smirked at him, arms folded across his chest. Anyone looking at him could see he had gotten the looks in the family, with fine patrician features and the kind of wavy hair most women would kill for.
The very not dead Tony Dracon put his fingers under Brooklyn’s beak and closed it. “You know, I was hoping it would be you we’d catch. You and I need to have a little chat.”
“We have nothing to talk about.” Brooklyn growled.
“I think we do.” Dracon reached into his shirt and pulled out a rather cheap looking locket. He held it in his hand for a long time, just staring at it. “You know, Mari is probably the only decent human being my family has ever produced. No wonder she’s crazy.” He smirked, but there was a hint of sadness behind the expression.
“Your secret’s gonna get out, you bastard. You won’t get away with this!”
“But I am.” Dracon said. “You’re getting off topic. We are discussing my sister.”
“What? You don’t want to brag about your brilliant plan before you kill me?”
“Who said I was going to kill you? You’re too useful to me alive. And no, I’m not going to tell you my brilliant plan. That way, you can’t mess it up. You see… I learn from my mistakes. Now, back to the real topic at hand…”
“She tried to kill herself because of you! She’s the only person in the whole damn world who really cares about you, and you’re hurting her.”
For a moment, Dracon’s smirking mask broke, and Brooklyn saw the pain and worry beneath. “She’s better off with me dead,” he said, playing with the locket. “She’s a good woman and with me gone, she can finally get a little peace. At least… as long as everyone thinks I’m dead.”
“That. Is. Low.” Brooklyn snarled.
“Yup. I’m scum.” Dracon said cheerfully. “But you’re gonna go along with me on this.”
“What the hell makes you think that?”
“Call it an instinct. Something tells me that anyone who’d risk getting shot to check up on a crazy lady would keep something like this under his hat.” Dracon stretched his hands above his head with a sigh. “As long as everyone thinks I’m dead, she’s safe from anyone who would try to use her against me. And you wouldn’t put Mari in danger.”
Glasses stuck his head into the room. “Hey boss. Time to dump the Shemp.”
“Thanks.” Dracon reached behind him and pulled out a sponge that gave off a sickly sweet odour. “Glad we could have this little talk,” he said, pressing the sponge to Brooklyn’s nostrils and forcing his beak to stay shut. The gangster leaned in close, so his mouth was almost touching Brooklyn’s ear. “She likes shlocky B horror movies,” he murmured before Brooklyn passed out.