Title: Beer
Fandom: X-Men
Characters: Jonothon Starsmore, Angelo “Fuck you Chuck Austen” Espinosa
Prompt: 37. Envious/#3 Intoxication
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Summary: Angelo went out for beer, and Jono went with him.
Author’s Note: Written for the
marvel_100 challenge.
Jono sat across the table and watched Angelo chug the pint. You should slow down and enjoy that, he pointed out.
“M’fine,” Angelo insisted. “S’good,” he added, peering at the empty pint.
Yeah, Jono agreed, envy tingeing his ‘voice’. It’s good stuff. If he thought hard, he could just remember the taste of Guinness on his tongue. Of course, he would have given damn near anything for the taste of bad beer. Even the horse piss the American’s tried to pass off as beer.
“Another?” Angelo asked hopefully.
Alright, Jono said with a mental sigh. You have another beer, mate.