Title: Magic Stick
fullmetal_cuteFandom: Young Avengers/Runaways
Prompt: 8. Magic (30-A)
Character/Pairing: Tommy Shepard/Nico Minoru
Rating: G
Word Count: 200
Summary: “Got your stick!”
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: I own nothing.
“Got your stick!” Tommy crowd, zooming around Nico like a toddler on a sugar high.
Nico just sighed and held out her hand. “Give it back, Tommy.”
“Nuh-uh. It’s mine now. I think I’m gonna use it to turn Sparky into a rabbit for a change.” Tommy grinned, clutching the Staff.
“Just what the world needs, a reality warping rabbit. Don’t you think chewing up his comics was revenge enough?”
“There can never be too much revenge,” Tommy sniffed. “It’s a dish best served with sour cream and chives. And lots of butter. I’m hungry.”
“I noticed,” Nico said dryly. “Done playing with my stick yet?”
“It’s mine now.”
“I don’t think so, Tommy,” Nico said with another sigh.
“How does this thing work, anyway?”
“It’s an eldritch force, Zippy. It doesn’t come with an instruction manual.”
“Well, it should.”