Title: Good Eats
Fandom: X-Men
Characters: Victor Borkowski/Paras Gavaskar
Prompt: 59. Food
Word Count: 111
Rating: G
Summary: Victor’s trying to explain the importance of the movie, and Paras is thinking of other things.
Victor tossed a hand full of wasabi peas into his mouth, crunching them thoughtfully as he tried to explain the cultural importance of The Elephant Man to Paras. The purple skilled mutant nodded occasionally, but Victor could tell he wasn’t really paying attention. The reptilian mutant sighed. “What?”
“Just thinking,” Paras said, stealing a few of Victor’s peas.
“About…?” Victor prompted.
“What you taste like,” Paras purred, swiftly pinning Victor to the couch.”
“Right now? Like wasabi.”