Title: Rip van Winkle VI
Fandom: X-Men/Young Avengers
Characters: Victor Borkowski and a slew of OCs
Prompt: 89. Work
Word Count: 419
Rating: G
Summary: It’s a new generation of heroes.
Author's Notes: Set in my That Damn Mpreg universe.
Victor Borkowski had realized, soon after awakening in what he still sometimes thought of as ‘the future’, that there were Avengers, and there were Avengers. There were the heroes who would come in and help, maybe spend a few weeks in the Tower, and there was the core team. The ones who had spent most of their lives living in and around the Tower. The children and grandchildren of a generation he had helped raise.
There was Gabriel, of course, taking the position of resident Snarky Speedster, which his grandmother and great-grandfather had occupied before. Sometimes Victor wondered is Gabriel’s father had been the same way.
And there were Ted and Vision, the only Avengers from his time still alive (he didn’t count Robert, since he’d known the Sorcerer Supreme all his life). Ted had turned into a remarkably capable leader since Victor had died, while Vision tended to fade into the background when he felt he wasn’t needed.
Of the new generation of heroes, the oldest was Deidra Stein, who - despite her mutant ancestry - never manifested powers, and wore a suit of armor she referred to as the Iron Maiden. She often joked about retiring soon, and with good reason. With only a few exceptions, she was old enough to be the mother of her teammates.
The other three Avengers were also legacy heroes, though their own parents had chosen more mundane lives. Victor could understand why, in the case of the Bartons.
Esme Barton followed in the Maximoff tradition of reality warping, and went by the code name of ‘White Witch’ when on duty. She was the youngest of the group, and seemed to be constantly fighting with Ted to be recognized as a real member of the team, and not someone who had to be constantly protected. She also inherited a tendency towards being high strung that Victor had seen in Will. Her cousin Agamemnon Barton-Christian followed the Barton tradition of bowmanship, augmented by the super-strength he inherited from his grandmother.
Rounding out the bunch was the newest Spider-Man, an energetic boy who answered to Patrick, and who constantly dogged Victor with questions about what things had been like when he was young.
They were a good bunch, even if they did make Victor feel old.