Title: Not a Pet
Fandom: Young Avengers
Characters: Billy Kaplan/Teddy Altman, and beware of OCs
Prompt: 43. Dog
Word Count: 241
Rating: PG-13
Author's Notes: Set in my That Damn Mpreg universe.
“He’s not mine!” Bobby said before either of his fathers could open their mouths. “Mistress Xanathos asked me to watch him for a few days.”
Will and Ted both watched the overlarge dog with renewed wariness. The shaggy black creature was easily the size of a small pony, it’s shoulder coming up to Bobby’s hip. And it belonged to a woman who was mildly infamous for her magically mutated pet cats.
The dog sat back on it’s haunches, a long tongue unrolling from it’s mouth.
“It’s just for a couple of days,” Bobby promised. “He can sleep in my room and I’ll clean up after him and everything!”
“Alright,” Ted sighed. “But he’s your responsibility.”
“It seems,” Rowena drawled, studying her apprentice lazily, “that while I was gone, one of my great-grandsons disappeared for a few days.”
“Yes, Mistress?” Bobby said innocently.
Rowena leaned forward, resting her elbows on the table and brushing a few dark curls out of her face. “Yes. Which I find rather odd. His parents were very worries about him, you know.”
“I trust he returned home safely, Mistress?”
“His Alpha is very… upset with him, Robert. I doubt he will be allowed to leave the Farm for some time to come.”
“Yes, Mistress.”